The Car Gods Have Smiled On Me Today


I wanna DRIVE!
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Aiken, SC
After a decade of serious lusting, five educational years on the forum and two years of hunting, Annabelle arrived from Texas today (yes, I am one of those guys who gives his cars female names; it makes me feel better with all the bathing and caressing and looking up her skirt and whatnot):


My quest began in earnest after encouraging words from many of the forum’s Tribal Elders:

Having submitted myself to the ways of the Car Gods, I learned that they can be cruel indeed. Late last year, I had to let a really good coupe slip through my fingers when non-car matters diverted my attention just as I was closing in on the sale:

And so, the Car Gods taunted me for a period of time, dangling in front of me a series of tantalizing, but flawed coupes. Perhaps, I had to endure these tribulations so as to enable various Sages of the e9, including HBChris, DuaneSword, Rob (the Hack Mechanic), Peter (CoupeKing), Mario (VSR1), Terry Sayther, Tim Mason, Sfdon, Stan, and Peter Coomaraswarmy, to impart to me bits of e9 wisdom. Or maybe the Car Gods were testing my mettle. In any event, I persevered.

Thereafter, I vowed to keep non-car matters in their rightful place and was rewarded with the scent of Annabelle:

Peter Coomaraswarmy, along with HBChris, allayed my initial fears, and guided me through the awkwardness of my initial meeting with her. Peter continued to play matchmaker, contributing generously of his time and energy while masterfully highlighting Annabelle’s most attractive features, as if whispering to me “you know you want her.”

Indeed, I was caught in her spell. As so it came to pass that I became the proud owner of a fine e9 coupe. Today is a good day to be a car guy.


Gotta run – Annabelle needs my attention. Cheers.
I think this match was meant to be! Enjoy your new relationship with Annabelle, take care of her and she will provide many, many miles of enjoyment in return.

Great outcome, love the TODO list.

I would add:

- Hella headlights
- Swap sides of wiper arms

The fun begins.
Glad she made it!!

OK, Arde, I spent hours with Chris going over this thing, there were a few things put on the "wrong side" after the car was re-sprayed. I can't believe I missed the windshield wipers!

It was allot of fun getting this car in the right hands- Chris M. was the remote guru, Terry Sayther down here did some brake work and Rhett at his shop was very helpful in assessing her mechanically.

We spent about 8-10 hours removing parts and inspecting for any rust and there was very little. We had her up on the lift and really poked at her- she is a beautiful car, extremely original- the respray was interesting in that there was no damage to the car, the previous owner had her heart set on a White 3.0 and she owned the car since 1974, Chris is working on her full history. Even the exhaust is mostly original-but has a few holes and needs replacing.

I think the lesson here is that there are good coups out there and they don't cost an arm and a leg, in the end patience pays off!

As said below Chris "welcome to the insanity".
The intangible part of coupe ownership

Looking at this saga, I am once again impressed by the camaraderie of the group. The willingness to jump in, offer inspection , advice and encouragement.
Chris, all you need now is a few more local coupe guys to form a caravan, do some spirited driving and hopefully avoid speeding tickets!
Enjoy and hope to see you at an event. Drive up to NY for the Vintage at Saratoga!
Looking at this saga, I am once again impressed by the camaraderie of the group. The willingness to jump in, offer inspection , advice and encouragement.
Chris, all you need now is a few more local coupe guys to form a caravan, do some spirited driving and hopefully avoid speeding tickets!
Enjoy and hope to see you at an event. Drive up to NY for the Vintage at Saratoga!

Thanks Stan -- she won't be ready for the long drive just yet. She's been sitting for almost six years and needs some tender loving care first.

As to the tribe here, y'all are amazing. I hope I can make a contribution.

And Peter -- talk about over the top. Let me provide one example (and there are several): In looking over the car he noticed that a tail light housing was melted from an electrical short. Not only did he put a little piece of masking tape on the assembly telling me this, he tossed a replacement assembly in my trunk for me. I'm pretty sure the Car Gods sent him to me in answer to my prayers.
Ditto for all of the above. I don't name my cars, but my wife says I treat my coupe like an aging starlet. And we know how much attention they demand and how high maintenance they are. Botox is just cosmetic starters.
Great story and it is great to see friendships made over a silly car! I think this was the automatic and be sure to add the 5spd to list of things to do.Congrads
Chris, I see you're in Vienna, VA. I'm nearby in Chevy Chase, MD. Have you been to Cars & Coffee at Katie's in Great Falls? I usually go whenever the weather is good, but I'll miss the next few weeks due to vacation and then Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. We should get together with the other coupes in the area for a drive or just a BS session.
Chris, I see you're in Vienna, VA. I'm nearby in Chevy Chase, MD. Have you been to Cars & Coffee at Katie's in Great Falls? I usually go whenever the weather is good, but I'll miss the next few weeks due to vacation and then Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. We should get together with the other coupes in the area for a drive or just a BS session.

Hi Doug -- Your car is one of my all time favorites (I referenced it in the Tribal Elders' thread).

Would love to get together. We didn't get to chat much at Sharkfest.

I plan to be at the PVGP, but I'll be taking my 540i6. Annabelle needs some work before she is ready for a trip of that distance.
Congrats at the start of a love affair!

I too had an E39 and an E9 in the garage at the same time. I found myself never driving my E39 once my Coupe showed up, and I sold it. Hardest car I've ever sold, as for 8 years my 540/6 was my baby.