CS 2800 on BAT


Just goes to show you...

I have seen the wood veneer in this car and for it to be called "good" is a joke. Take a look at the photos of the driver's side rear interior shot. Notice that the "wood" is different that the driver's side door wood?

That's a vinyl sticker covering up the rear wood piece. Why would you need to do that if the veneer is "good"?

Secondly, I could tell under the hood that the car used to be Nevada so "full strip to bare metal" is a laughable claim. The exterior was perhaps stripped to bare, but it wasn't a "full" strip to bare and I could see evidence of all three colors under the hood, not counting the POR15 black.

It smells really wet inside..... very musty...

My car has a serial number three digits earlier than this car and my car was manufactured on July 24th, 1970. It's possible they waited a while before making more US version cars, but it seems more likely this is a 1970. It doesn't really matter that much and an email to BMW would resolve that question.