Turkis Petrolicious article

The only Turkis coupe in North America? I don't know how one can find that info as Hoffman records are long gone and Canadian cars went through Vancouver Distributers. And the Archive won't search cars by color because their data is on paper or microfiche and not searchable easily. Many 2002s came to the US in Turkis. Beautiful coupe though!

I know that this owner would be happy to join the rare Petrolicous coupe article club...

I know your coupe has taken part, bringing the total to a small handful....

Its always nice to see coupe articles IMHO :cool:

wait but im in North America... and I have a Turkis? anyway cool read glad to see another Turkis out there. it gives me anxiety looking at this one, i just want to spend hours an hours working on mine getting it perfect. Its like a hunger i cant feed because I work too much, maybe ill get to it one day
here is my CSI
5647 by Peter Kaczynski, on Flickr

I know that this owner would be happy to join the rare Petrolicous coupe article club...

I know your coupe has taken part, bringing the total to a small handful....

Its always nice to see coupe articles IMHO :cool:


Mo, Absolutely! It is a very nice example as well.


;-)Superba looking car has been seen on this forum before. http://www.e9coupe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=97323&postcount=24

[A]lso the only Turkis green—paint code 063—officially imported to North America.
Other CS's were evidently unofficial (?) Csi's came in the color "Gray-market". (Like so many other facets of E9 history, there are bound to be exceptions. Andreas might know!)

I could be wrong, but I am reasonably certain that the official paint code for turkis is "065." ("063" is unofficially amazon green). http://www.bmwforums.info/general-guides-and-how-to-s/5226-bmw-paint-code-list.html

How does A. keep it so clean. (Teflon or a trailing ground crew? :smile:) For those keeping score, notice the antenna placement.


Wondering out loud. Did Canadian cars get the same "DOT" treatment as the lower "48"?

Focusing on those side markers. There are rear ones and front ones. Some have both. Some have none.




And mit out . . .

Textbook example (except for maybe that black fender grille?)



A pause for station identification.
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Canadian coupes got the same bumpers and side markers as US coupes including the unique to 73 only downward pointing front bumper guards. Adam's coupe appears to have 72 and earlier rear bumpers, they are easier to find when being restored.

- Gents , thanks for taking interest in the article - Correct on the paint code 065 (I was miss quoted). Fair comment related to Turkis 3.0's in North America - no one can really be sure how many un official cars made across the water, however mobile tradition has confirmed mine is an official Turkis export for the North American Market. You have a beautiful Car Peter ... really nice to see another Turkis!

Funny comment re the dirt... it was a dry clear and cold day - yet I drove the car off the road onto the gravel to get the shot in the front of that barn...... a little time spent once we were back in the garage to get the underside clean again. For the PNW guys .... http://www.exoticsat.com/, starting April 02 - throughout the summer.

Best Ajw.
Upside down?
Saw your Q... when I first got the car I thought the same , that the bumperetts were upside down, however I have taken them apart (3 piece) and this is the only way they would mount , after seeing several others there is no standard as the assay lines throughout the years changed so much with the exception of the 1974 +..

Best Ajw.