Love this color E9

Yep nice colour but I'm not keen on cars that have undergone a change in colour. Also the description implies that they put the vinyl roof on recently ("The vinyl roof was professionally applied") and I've no idea why they would have done that! And why would they not restore the seats to the original spec? They just look wrong to me.

Anyway ignore me…yes it is a nice colour.

BTW My roof was done by BMW when the car arrived in the UK in 1973…and it is white so this is what the above car should really look like if you're interested…not so bad in my opinion.

Awesome E9 Michael. Luv those power mirrors and headlight wipers too!

Ya, was wondering why that Turkis for sale had odd seat covers. Ditto the elephant grain/truck bedliner in the engine compartment. Pretty stupid I say, but man, Turkis is to die for!
Turkis is to die for!

A Turkis car will take your breath away. I think the color of the car in the link above is not right (perhaps is simply the camera and how it shows on the computer) but it's too blue IMO.

From FAQ

My buddy, Barney, restored a Squaretail in Turkis for his wife, and while attending the MidAmerica02Fest last year, one of the guys brought out the BMW Blue Book for Paint/Colors. That book has actual paint chips that have a hole punched in the sample so you can place the sample over your car. Barney's car matched perfectly...which was partly luck, in that he did not use a Glasurit product. ...blind hog finds an acorn now and again, as they say.


edit... even as I look at the picture above on two different screens, the color is correct on one screen and not correct on the other. So, there's that...

When I bought my Coupe in 1980, it was very similar in color to that 75 CSi. It had been repainted because someone had put a long, deep key stripe in it for taking two parking spaces. I was told the shop painted it with a Chevy color. The owner of the Coupe certainly noticed the change and objected. He was asked to go ahead and take it and if he did not like it they would repaint it. He said the color grew on him and he didn't take it back.
They did not paint the jams, under the hood, trunk or anyplace else that could not be seen from the outside. I didn't care for the color very much and when I saw the unpainted Baikal, I knew it had to go back to original if I bought it and that became my negotiation argument. It just did not look like a BMW color.