From: Mathis Kern
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001
Subject: WAS: Carb to L-Jet Conversion; how to fill the blanks in the MT CD

>      a.  What does this box do? (it is not clearly
> described in the blue shop manual and the number
> draws
> a blank on the parts cd.)


I don't know what this box does, but I do know a way
around most of the blanks in the CD. There is a
section on parts information on the CD (don't know how
it's called in English as my CD is installed in
German). There you can find a subsection on parts use,
i.e. when you type in a parts number, it tells you on
which cars it was used. I found out that a significant
number of CS parts do not give hits on the CS, but do
so on the E12 (first fives) or 1502-2002 range. From
there, you can go back to the normal parts search
using the specs of one of the cars from the hit list.



>      b.  Can it be removed? (the black and green
> wires
> have already been bypassed by the L-Jet
> coil-ignition
> harness.)
> 2.  The L-Jet harness contains a green/yellow wire
> that I need to splice to a corresponding wire in the
> coupe harness.  According to Peter Florance, this
> wire
> on the 528i is the "start/run bus" running through
> fuse 1 to provide power to the aux air valve (88c)
> and
> fuel pump (88d) when cranking.  What should it be
> connected to on the coupe?
> Thanks,
> Chris