In Reply to: Wooden dash refurbishment posted by Matt Arnold on July 03, 2000 at 18:17:56:
-detach wood from car to avoid damage to surround
-strip all varnish using paint stripper, follow instructions
-lightly sand wood
-use a good quality yacht varnish and the best quality brush money can buy so that it doesn't leave brush hairson surface.
-For the best results you can use a spray gun the varnish. 2-pack varnish gives a tougher finish, otherwise use polyurethane.
-1st coat thinned 50% with recommended spirit
-lightly rub down with wet and dry paper with water as lubricant. Thorougly clean and dry. Then leave to dry properly.
-Before following each coat, wipe surface with lint free cloth moistened with the recommended spirit to remove all dust/abraded varnish.
-With (wet) wet and dry paper flatten out all bumps to varnished surface to an even flat surface.
-For a professional glossy finish apply coat on coat, flattening between. 4/5 coats would be a minimum.
-Some people recommend thinning final varnish coat
for quicker drying to avoid dust on surface.
Good luck. Graham UK.