1973 E9 (Euro) Csi


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Tucson, AZ
I've been lurking here for YEARS.
I just want you all to know I finally scored a proper E9.
I scoured the world and, bizzarely, found one in my backyard. It's such a great story.
I will NEVER sell it.
Best regards




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Let me be the first to congratulate you...welcome to the club.


congrats, if this is the craigslist car that was discussed here I beleive there was some concerns over the safety of the Autoflug seat belt mounting so you may want to check that out.
ahhh Taiga, nice color.
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to register your coupe.
One of the choices above is "CS Registry", click on that and you can enter your car by serial number and tell as much or as little as you want.
Congrats on the find! Enjoy, drive fast :p
Tucson Coupe

Definitely looks like the one in Tucson with the garage in the background. Good luck and plenty of reading here to assist you. Congrats
That was my first thought. The Tucson car had factory slotted alloys. Story time!!!
That's clearly the CL car. Congratulations on making a deal, but it's unfortunate that the seller treated interested parties the way he did. Would love to hear the story of your experience!
Oh to hell with it, I need a break. Turning off my email.

So, I have a 26 year old nephew who is a motorhead. His fetish is focused on E39s, Alphas, and a Toyota Century that he brought back from Japan (Air Force). He knows about my E9 fetish and all of the struggles I have gone through to find a good one. As soon as I had the time, money, and garage space to get one, the market went nuts.

So back in late 2013, I blindly bought an ebay car that was dying a slow death in Maryland. It cost me $2,000 just to ship it. The white knight in me thought I could save it. It does have good shock towers, but the rust and rot is pretty brutal. I'd basically have to replace everything but the wheels!. So recently, I made the emotional decision to give up. Sorry to everyone who has PM'd me - I thought I would get notified by email and I haven't. I WILL get back to you.

Then this past Monday came. I just hit a big home run at work and was on the phone finalizing the details, when nephew starts pinging me on messenger. He sent me the link. I wrote "oh ****" as soon as I saw it.

I emailed the seller. I emailed him again. I then used my internet skills to track down his home number. I mistakenly called him from my California mobile (same number for 18 years - not giving that up). So, understandably, he let it go to voicemail. I left a voicemail explaining that I was a local, that I have been searching for the perfect E9 for years, and that I'd like to see his car if it was still available.


8am on Tuesday, a New Jersey number pops up on my caller ID. I take the call. Yes, he was harsh and angry and was pouring his guts out to me. All the while, I am in my driveway circling my rotting 1974 E9. Now, I work in a profession that does business around the world - I know the New Yorker mentality. Frankly, you don't **** with them or they'll smack you. This guy was verbally smacking me.

Why? He had underpriced the car and was besieged with asshole flippers that I have had to compete against and lost. This was his baby of 30 years (he imported it from Germany) and nasty people were ruining his memories and his peaceful retirement.

He then yelled a large price at me, and I said "that's above my pain thresh hold". I thanked him, and wished him the best of luck. I knew he was emotional about the car - WE ALL ARE. That is why we are here.

I wrote it off in my mind. I actually told my nephew that perhaps I should save my E9 no matter what the cost.

A few hours go by and that same New Jersey number pops up. I answer with "how is your day going, XXXXX?". This time, he was calm, warm, and collected. Perhaps he did his research on me. He then told me I was the guy who deserved this car, quoted me a price I could live with. We set a time to meet at his house.

Guys, I barely inspected the car. I looked at a few key areas and knew that this car had been treated like the work of art that it is. I was quivering with excitement. I calmly agreed that it was my car, and then went to the bank and got the cashier's check.

I then spent a couple of hours really getting to know the guy and his wife. Amazing people. We've been trading emails and texts ever since. Friends for life kind of stuff. I was taking his child away from him, but he knew it was going to a VERY good home.

They have lifetime visitation rights.

1972 2002 / 1988-1989 (I was 16)
1982 320i / 1989-1999
2000 328ci (European delivery) / 2000-2013 and 2014 - now
2013 X3 Twin Turbo / 2013 - now
1974 E9 / 2013 - now
1973 E9 / 2015 - until I am dead. I'll live in it if I have to.

PS - I know where a 72 and 73 are currently rotting on a mechanic's lot here in Tucson. I have emailed him and told him that he needs to do something about that.

[Nephew's Century]


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Glad it worked out like that for you in the end, I can relate, I bought my car from the deceased owner's son, I literally talked with him on the phone for an hour a day for a week before he decided I was the one to have it (although he neglected it for 3 years after his father passed away).

Great color, how about some pics?

Whoever "D-Ace" is has some serious mental issues. I just found an old PM from him that is full of hate and bile. Seek help, dude.
Turns out the car hasn't even been titled in Arizona. It's been here many years. At true "barn find".

I am beside myself. I want to build a room in my house for it a la Chris Evans and his Ferrari GT California:


I'm off for a European vacation now. I've taken loads of photos of the 1974, and have scanned some very important documents related to it. She needs a new, loving home.

I called the seller the day the ad came up, I have good memories of Tucson and was looking for an excuse to go visit. Now I don't have it anymore. Thanks Obama...

The seller sounded like a nice guy with seller's remorse, a friend that lives nearby checked for me that the car existed and I told the seller that if there are no other buyers I am good for 20k.

I hope I am not the "asshole flippers besieging him", as I have not sold a car since 1986 so I can hardly be a flipper, and I spoke to the guy twice all in all. Actually you and your nephew may have been closer to besieging him from your narrative :).

Anyway, it sounds like a good ending, if I knew the car included a friend for life I would have offered 40k as I am pretty low on friends...

Finally these flippers, like it or not, are market agents. They fulfill a function. You and I may actually be worse, we are hoarders :). We are black holes where cars go never to be marketed again!

Good luck.


I emailed the seller. I emailed him again. I then used my internet skills to track down his home number. I mistakenly called him from my California mobile (same number for 18 years - not giving that up). So, understandably, he let it go to voicemail. I left a voicemail explaining that I was a local, that I have been searching for the perfect E9 for years, and that I'd like to see his car if it was still available.



Why? He had underpriced the car and was besieged with asshole flippers that I have had to compete against and lost. This was his baby of 30 years (he imported it from Germany) and nasty people were ruining his memories and his peaceful retirement.

He then yelled a large price at me, and I said "that's above my pain thresh hold". I thanked him, and wished him the best of luck. I knew he was emotional about the car - WE ALL ARE. That is why we are here.

A few hours go by and that same New Jersey number pops up. I answer with "how is your day going, XXXXX?". This time, he was calm, warm, and collected. Perhaps he did his research on me. He then told me I was the guy who deserved this car, quoted me a price I could live with. We set a time to meet at his house.

I then spent a couple of hours really getting to know the guy and his wife. Amazing people. We've been trading emails and texts ever since. Friends for life kind of stuff. I was taking his child away from him, but he knew it was going to a VERY good home.

They have lifetime visitation rights.

1972 2002 / 1988-1989 (I was 16)
1982 320i / 1989-1999
2000 328ci (European delivery) / 2000-2013 and 2014 - now
2013 X3 Twin Turbo / 2013 - now
1974 E9 / 2013 - now
1973 E9 / 2015 - until I am dead. I'll live in it if I have to.
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PS - I know where a 72 and 73 are currently rotting on a mechanic's lot here in Tucson. I have emailed him and told him that he needs to do something about that.

Get the owner to register those coupes at www.e9-driven.com
por favor :D

Nail on the head, man. I have had to move to larger and larger properties to accomodate the growing automotive "projects"' and carcasses that seemed a great idea at the time. Presently situated on a small hobby farm where one of the barns is all mine...and I think I have to add on!
Anyway, this forum is great solace. Always appreciate the views of others who seem to need more cars than fewer.