Hi All,
I got a set of 14" wheels that are Alpina style but I am not sure if they are genuine because the font is not that of Alpina. I just would not have thought the whole replica business would have been as big in the day to suggest these are replicas. Equally I wonder if a standard font would have sufficed in the day to just mark the wheels. Any input appreciated ideally from someone that has a set of 14's or is familiar with what it should be. Below is a pic of the wheel.
I got a set of 14" wheels that are Alpina style but I am not sure if they are genuine because the font is not that of Alpina. I just would not have thought the whole replica business would have been as big in the day to suggest these are replicas. Equally I wonder if a standard font would have sufficed in the day to just mark the wheels. Any input appreciated ideally from someone that has a set of 14's or is familiar with what it should be. Below is a pic of the wheel.