1966 BMW 2000CS Project

I liked the comment that read (in part):

I spent 5 years rebuilding a rusty 66 2000c body https://bmw2000c.com/index.html. This looks hauntingly familiar. It was an exhausting endeavor and I had an experienced typ120/e9 guy to mentor me along the way. Now I know why shops charge $50k (and up) for fabrication for these models. These are probably the most rust prone vintage BMWs (worse than the successor e9). Karmann didn’t really apply rust prevention sealers on these cars early on. Lots of hidden boxed construction. The big thing on these are the 3 rockers. Can’t do a “shade tree mechanic” hack repair on them. In pic 17 do I see daylight through the inner rocker/floor (thus the middle and outer rocker)? Seller needs to provide pics of the rockers. Studying pic 18 and 20, the driver’s side outer rocker repair looks “bo bo”. Does not look like proper replacement metal or welds. Lord knows what the middle rocker looks like. Trying to weld the nose back in place won’t be easy. Good luck trying to figure out how to put all this back together with these indiscriminate pile of parts. Love the wiring harness tossed in a box. No documentation, disassembly notes or pics. No title. Yikes.
Not for the faint of heart indeed!

One must really be in love with that specific 2000CS nose, as for the same amount of money/effort is required to bring an e9 from that condition back to the living.
Kuddos for the person being able to pull it off. There are not many of these around, and they're not growing them anymore....