1967 BMW 2000 CS


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I saw one for sale, how much do you all think I should offer for it? It's been repainted white over 20 years ago and it now has some small rust spots. It runs reliably on the original engine, but the 4-speed transmission's been replaced with a 5-speed. It still has the original wheels, original interior including wood, in good condition, the rear windows work, but the motors are burnt out in the front ones. The seller has replacements. The car has never been in a collision and everything else works. That's about it... What is this car worth? What should I offer?

I got recommended to you guys from Bimmerforums.com, I hope you all can help, thanks! :)
2000 cs

The car is a steal it has everything 2 liter moter 40 webers and a five speed probley out of a 2002. 3600 bucks and 58,000 miles on it u better get on it not many of the 120 still around. a total of around 12,000 were ever made. the car is bad u can probley still smoke the tires if u wanted to.
I have a 1967 2000c 443 of them ever made in that version vin 1000039 and let me tell u it is a conversation piece anywhere i go
Illuminatus did ya get it?

Just wondering if you were the successful bidder. If not, keep looking they do pop up, mostly on ebay, from time to time. By the way, it was worth the price it went for. My guess is it was worth ~$6k. Stick around, if you have any more questions about these cars, this site is pretty helpful and friendly.
new 2000 c forum

there is a new forum just for 2000 c owners I guess this car is starting to really turns some heads the web site is BMW2000Ca.un.cz/e-history_model.htm
There is one on the UK EBay right now - in france
Looks tidy, but I guess I would need to see it in the flesh
If I had the money that is!
Naah Malc , when you are ready, I know where there is a veeery good one lurking in South Africa thats going to be worth containering over when the owner sells early next year