1970 polaris 2800cs w/ s38 - texas

The M5 engine in this car sure make it appealing to me! I have asked the seller for some history and documentation of the work, hopefully that they will respond.

Nice looking car, but no way near the beautiful details of the garnet red that @E9Eric just sold.
I think that engine is overkill in a coupe. The structure of the car is not made to handle that much horsepower.

In addition, those engines really only come alive over 4000 rpm. If you look compare the HP and torque curves to the M30b35 below 4000 rpm, you will find very little difference. And if you are realistic about how much time you spend above 4000 rpm, I think the added trouble and expense of the S38 is not worth it.
I think that engine is overkill in a coupe. The structure of the car is not made to handle that much horsepower.

In addition, those engines really only come alive over 4000 rpm. If you look compare the HP and torque curves to the M30b35 below 4000 rpm, you will find very little difference. And if you are realistic about how much time you spend above 4000 rpm, I think the added trouble and expense of the S38 is not worth it.

Yeah, but S38s sure look sexy in our engine bays.