1971 3.0csi 2260167


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When picking up a 68-2000ca the gentleman had a E9 totally stripped hanging in a rotary. Turns out it was a early csi.
Papers sais it was registered in Germany 10.09.1971
After some months with negotiations he finally sold it to me.
I think the color is Malaga. Any one know the color code? the door tag is completely painted over.

Welcome to the forum :D
Very cool project! Looks solid! If you are missing some parts when you are reassembling the car, you can try to contact me. I might have some extra parts here and there but not much. Maybe you have some extra parts for trade too..

Endelig en nordmann her, ikke mange av oss. Jeg bor i Ålesund, litt lettere å sende deler innenlands enn fra rundt om i verden vil jeg tro ;)
Thank you. A part of the deal was that if i purchased it i would have to buy all the parts he had. So i have alot of parts from a parts car.
Hood, trunk, trim, engine, automatick tranny and misc. Engine has 434xxx vin so guess thats a late one.
Have not gone thru all the parts, but guess its not all there. Just let me know what to search for if you miss something :)

Kjekt med flere nordmenn ja:) Jeg bor på Vinjeøra langs E39, så ikke så langt unna. Blir nok noen år før jeg er ferdig med denne.. Da skulle vi ha møttes.