1972 cs

Is anyone familiar with this car? I'm on east coast so trying to get a local set of eyes on it. Long time follower of this community and appreciate all I have learned. Finally ready to buy one.
Gorgeous car. I like the 5-speed and injection retrofit.

$45k is a lot for a non-CSI, but who cares? This one looks mint and has either a D-Jet or L-Jet and a 5-speed, so who needs a CSI?

The only scrub against it IMHO is the color (white kinda boring) and non-sunroof, but you couldn't restore a car to this level (if under carriage is super clean) for $45k.
When I switched my euro carbed coupe to D-Jet I mounted a CSi badge on the trunk. Now it is a officially a CSi. Thanks to Art Wegweiser.
Gorgeous car. I like the 5-speed and injection retrofit.

$45k is a lot for a non-CSI, but who cares? This one looks mint and has either a D-Jet or L-Jet and a 5-speed, so who needs a CSI?

The only scrub against it IMHO is the color (white kinda boring) and non-sunroof, but you couldn't restore a car to this level (if under carriage is super clean) for $45k.

I strongly disagree about the price. CS or CSI a car in what appears to be in good condition is quite fair at $45k. A rust free chassis is worth at least $25k

I personally love white Coupes and prefer a non sunroof car. The roofline is so much cleaner and prettier without the sunroof and the lack of sunroof decreases the chances of rust.

By the way, this car is running motronic 1.3. No dizzy, big diagnostic port,and it has an AFM. This car is probably a lot of fun to drive!
I strongly disagree about the price. CS or CSI a car in what appears to be in good condition is quite fair at $45k. A rust free chassis is worth at least $25k

I personally love white Coupes
a huge +1, completely agree on all counts
i stay with my initial comment ... i like what i see overall. looks like it is worth every penny of the ask. are there some little things - sure, but if there wasn't, this would be a 55k coupe