1973 3.0CS Blue, San Jose $16k


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This one could be a great buy for someone.
With all the extras included, one could easily recoup a couple grand just selling those parts.
This one and the silver one in Pebble Beach both seem to be nicely priced, but maybe the sellers are using an old real estate tactic of pricing low and wanting a bidding war to escalate the final sales prices?
Both appear ready for immediate and long term enjoyment with little or no further investment required for a while.
I know the owner- he is a decent guy. Been a couple years since I worked on it. Worth looking at for sure.
It would be helpful to see pics taken during the pre-paint process to gauge the level of prep that was taken prior to paint. Its rust free now (though we all know we could find rust on it), but how long will it stay that way? There are also a fair number of high priced items on the maintenance list. The bonus list, if included with the car, is impressive also even if just from a resale point of view.

Minor nits:

Color choice. Should have picked a factory blue IMO
Rear seats are vinyl not leather like the fronts

This could be an awesome deal for someone trying to get into a coupe.
If I were in the market, or if I were Peter Coomaraswarmy and needed yet another coupe, I would be looking at this one.
I am more forgiving on that, probably because I think the white on my car is actually a Cadillac color!
The downer for me is the color and the vinyl rear seats....

But it does look like a decent one and local...

I'm looking more towards an e3 as a permanent second BMW, but those prices are very reasonable considering the Polaris has about 18 into it (just car and parts) and the engine is still on a pallet :-(
Both this car and the car in Monterey will be back up for sale in a couple of weeks, on Ebay if I had to guess by a seller located in Beverly Hills.