2000CS Head


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New York
I need to get a new set of pistons for my 2000CS and as I'm looking around I'm seeing a lot of different designations for heads. Mainly E12 or 121. If anyone knows what kind of head originally came on the car, or if anyone could tell me how to identify the head, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

And would anyone know where I could get some oversized (.5mm) pistons from? Thanks again.
I think it would have a 121Ti head like the early 2002, mine was built Nov 68 and had flat top 8.3 to 1 compression pistons. Got a set of Mahles from Ireland Engineering, they were about $550. Lots of discussion on the ones referenced, be careful with cast vs. forged pistons.

There is an excellent faq on cylinder heads and pistons on the 2002 website.

What little is known is the cs designation changes things; most likely chamber volume and pistons. Since you presumably know the oversize by measuring, I suggest you measure the chamber volume, compare it to the charts in the faq. Perhaps post a photo or two of the head and the piston shape you have for further discussion. Look carefully for any markings, letters, etc. on the head of any kind.( Just in case it's an uber rare Alpina head with 4 letter designation- stranger things have happened)

I second Chris's observation, most likely 121 since it started in 68. But in the world of classics, any number of things could have changed. I too suggest Ireland due to the fact they can source custom pistons at about the same price with the desired deck and shape to either maintain the same hp,. correct it, or increase it. Hey- 20 hp is 20 free hp in my book.

Last but not least, there are some members here who own a 2000c or cs. There are quite a few 02 guys here too. A little searching and a pm is suggested.
Mahle 081 94 02 (or some stockists #3431-020)

89.50 (this is .020" o/s), 9.3:1 CR

2000CS, 2002Ti '65-'69

I have one sealed set left that I've been saving for my '71 touring,

but you (OP) are welcome to send an e-mail or pm
if you want to convince me to use something else (I will not be subscribing to this thread)

Oh, f.w.i.w. the lower-compression flat tops are for 2000C
thanks so far

I dug out the head today and confirmed that it is a 121. I also found that Ireland Engineering has the pistons, and sent a pm to dp. I will post some pictures of the head and pistons a little later (the battery in my camera died).