73 - 74 Nose compatability


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Greetings -

I'm a new member in the process of restoring a 1973 CS. I have a damaged nose and am considering using a 1974 CS nose as a replacement. Does anyone know if I will run into issues? Will I need to use the newer bumper type that is seen on 74s or can I stick with my 73? Are there other issues I should consider?

I believe the only differences are in the bumper mounts. The 74 has large holes for the support tubing. The 73 and before has a narrow vertical slit only. There may also be smaller holes for the rubber panel pieces and the end pieces in the 74, some of which will need to be filled. Since someone will be welding and cutting to swap these out, they should be able to fabricate, or cut from the old nose, to make it work with the old style mounting hardware. You really do not want the large bumpers. I think most would say they reduce the value of the car - although they may help slightly in a slow speed nudge.