A/C compressor


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Any suggestions on where to get or where to look for an A/C compressor for a 1971 2800CS? Greatly appreciate your replies.
AC compressor

I saw a replacement AC compressor advertised on ebay this morning. Apparently it was purchased from Carl Nelson. Search using "BMW 3.0 cs" on ebay.

Are you determined to stick with the piston style York or do you just want to have A/C? I have an almost new York I'd sell, but in the long run you'd be better off with a later compressor. The ones used in the e28 are widely available and inexpensive. I bought a refurbished one for $75. They're r134a compatible, don't need the muffler (that other can on your fender by the dryer), and use less HP to spin.
V-west, which compressor was that

and where did you get it? Let's be specific encough that others might use the info.
I bought it from eBay in early 2005. Per my history the sellers ID was pac990. He's still selling, looks like his prices are up a little and no BMW compressors listed right now. Might be worth emailing him.

I also bought one at the local u-pull-it for $15, but when I got it home and tested the clutch it was bad. I returned it, figuring I could go fishing for another when I need it.