A/C question


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For the life of me I cant find the water drain!!!

Any easy suggestions??

Ive already been under the car and have looked/ felt around for the drain above the transmission...

Should I just remove the A/C components inside the car?

Do existing lines provide enough slack that this wont be to diffiuclt?

A/C Drain

It isn't a hose, more like a rubber donut, I think, that sits between the A/C and the top of the tunnel.
ac drain

dont worry about it its up there
if its leakin it best way is to pull the box
the dash wayts a monster.
Ill try and feel for that donut!

Its not leaking....the box fills up with water and comes sloshing out in turns.

Where in the transmission tunnel should I be looking?? Im guessing roughly straight down from the box.

I am not sure if this will help. The drain is approximately 13.5-inches forward of the shifter penetration center, in the center of the transmission tunnel (just measured it). If you get your hand around the transmission, you might be able to feel the two forward sheet metal screws that are used to mount the A/C bracket. The drain hole is right between these two screws. I don't know, maybe a toothpick, piece of wire? Getting wet might be worth not pulling that lump out of there.
Thanks everyone...

Im still under the car and can feel the two mounting screws...Nothing in between though!!

Ill keep at it for a bit more!!
Found it!! under some undercoating!!!!!


Will work on trying to clean it out!!!!


Where do you guys with a/c set your idle?

To keep my car running semi smoothly with the a/c on I have to set my no load idle at about 1100.

Oh....one more...