Advise on Cerakote, a product now available in Europe


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Hi all,
Cerakote……. It’s now available in Europe…. I’ve heard excellent reviews on their products here over the yrs.
I got a CSL Petri yesterday….great leather but poor spokes which the previous owner messed up with surface ‘grinding’.
What would the experts do……
Q. Once the spokes are sanded down, should I order the ‘correct’ color paint and clear coat or would the clear coat be enough to harden the surface on a non Cerakote paint? Why……because we have matched paint of the original Petri look already, whereas we have no experience with the Cerakote colors. Hoping to find a affordable method to save the Petri’s..

Secondly, They also sell a ceramic clear coat spray for cars, which per advert, pretty much creates a glassy surface? True or false?


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Are you painting the spokes black or clear? For metal spoke detail I think the clear Cerakote would be much higher quality and tasteful than regular clear. SInce it's used on guns, it's very durable and you can't see it's been coated. Must be sprayed with the proper gun/pressure.
Thanks Steve, painting the spokes to look like original. I was hoping to hear what you’ve clarified, that the Cerakote clear will make for a more resistent surface compared to regular paint clear coat.
If we are not talking about black wheels - there is no such thing as "correct" color paint due all 35 38 40 Petri's where originally copper & satin chrome plated.
Close enough……. a coat of Cerakote mat clear will hopefully give it a durable finish.


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I don't think clear Cerakote (air cure) over paint would work that well. I've sprayed Cerakote before and it's 2 primary benefits is its exceedingly thin and very tough but the substrate needs to be hard. I softer substrate might lead to a compromised surface can always try it on a test panel and reach out to Cerakote, they answer questions pretty quickly.
Ive had some experience with the air dry colours (obviously the more durable oven dry cerakote wont work for this application). It doesn't bond particularly well to smooth surfaces, It's recommended to applied direct to media blasted metal, so i don't think it would be ideal to us on top of another paint. colours are limited, but there are several metallics available and you can additionally mix certain compatible base colours, an expensive process of trial and error, but possible.
with the correct base colour cerakote there would be no need to apply clear coat on top.
I had also planned to use this process to refinish steering wheel centres with a similar anodised appearance, with the right colour selection it could be a good application for it.
I have been using Cerakote for about a year and a half now. I like it better than powder coating for most things. I primarily use their glacier black and glacier silver Both air dried but yes, you have to use a paint gun with a .80 tip, a little hard to find I did a Porsche 944T head in silver awhile ago, did all the work on it, then sent it out to the machine shop for resurfacing and then into their very hot solvent tank jet spray cleaner and once out, the paint was not even touched, still looked like new. Did some intake manifolds and other aluminum paces in a clear gloss in a 3.0 Cs After a year, they still looked great and were easy to wipe down It does go on thin and does not damage or " plug up " any writing or casting IDs on the metal Also did some wheel centers with it, came out very, very nice. Have done steering wheels, headers and all sorts of engine parts You should not glass bead the metal, leaves it too smooth, I use crushed glass, cleans up well I just blasted a bunch of pistons that I am gong to spray their super slick to the sides and inside of the piston and their hi temp thermal coating to the tops of the pistons I love the stuff even though it is not cheap

Thanks, Rick