I went for a custom stainless steel tank as apposed to alloy. The shape and dimensions are slightly different - straighter and flatter panels rather than smooth and curved. It fits perfectly and I have not had a bit of bother in the 16 years I have had the car and tank.
Like everything else underneath, it was coated with several coats of black hammerite then lashings of stonechip.
The slight difference ( it is obviously non - original ) doesnt really bother me. I am not a purist and liked the idea at the time of a 25 year guarantee. I must have known then that the car was a keeper. Any "anorak" who goes underneath my car then points out that the tank is not original will already be lying down and in an ideal position for a well placed kick in the cojones!
I am 99% that I got it through Munich Legends in the UK, becuase I got most of the parts for my CSi restoration from them ( no internet / online fun for me in 1992 ) I think they were having someone make stainless exhausts at the time as well.
I tried to phone Barney at Munich Legends ( Tel. 01825 740456 ) to clarify but he was not available. f my tank didnt come from Munich Legends, it would have come from a guy called Mark Smith who was doing a lot of E9 stuff in the Burton on Trent area - think he may have stopped trading.
I can rake out some photos of my square-ish tank and email you them.