Alpina Replicas

Count the spokes, there are 21, originals have 20. These are knock offs, I talked to the guy selling them some time ago, sounded very shady. Coupeking has correct replicas, check those out before dropping any money on this guys junk.
Count the spokes, there are 21, originals have 20. These are knock offs, I talked to the guy selling them some time ago, sounded very shady. Coupeking has correct replicas, check those out before dropping any money on this guys junk.
hmmm. had no idea coupeking offered replicas. I did notice the spoke count but was wondering what else might be 'off'. I'd assume they were probably heavier and the finish less durable (maybe)? Curious if anyone on the site is running either these or coupeking's product.
hmmm. had no idea coupeking offered replicas. I did notice the spoke count but was wondering what else might be 'off'. I'd assume they were probably heavier and the finish less durable (maybe)? Curious if anyone on the site is running either these or coupeking's product.
I have a set of these...... Bought last December and finally got to putting tires on them last month.

So far - 'OK'

Don't know what else to say right now.
With the tires I installed (Falken 452) - they balanced up nice and run smooth - 300 or so miles.

I like the look - and the quality seems to be fine. I bought these on e-bay and so far, so good.

Longevity - Don't know.
I do know that I will not be abusing these wheels so the finish 'should' last for a long time.

From there - Your Mileage May Vary - as they say.
I have a set of these...... Bought last December and finally got to putting tires on them last month.

So far - 'OK'

Don't know what else to say right now.
With the tires I installed (Falken 452) - they balanced up nice and run smooth - 300 or so miles.

I like the look - and the quality seems to be fine. I bought these on e-bay and so far, so good.

Longevity - Don't know.
I do know that I will not be abusing these wheels so the finish 'should' last for a long time.

From there - Your Mileage May Vary - as they say.