Altitude Rejeting on Zenith carbs


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Hi all, I am moving my car (73 CSA) from sea level to high altitude 11000 feet above sea level. Do I need to rejet my main fuel jets or
do these carbs automatically compensate for this. To do so must I remove the whole carb? Thanks, Rique
A starting point.

Wow, 11,000 feet. Be prepared for a significant loss of performance no matter how well you get the tuning dialed in. There is a noticeable loss of performance with increasing altitude that nothing but a change to fuel injection, or even better, forced induction will ever make up. But you can at least aim for good operation.

Bear in mind that I have down draft webers (and know nothing about Zeniths) but this will give you an indication. Engine modifacations and condition also make a difference in what you will find works best.

I'm at 4000' and drive between 2500' - 6000' as the range of operation. From sea level jetting, I went down one size on the fuel jet (145 - 140) and up 6 sizes (185 -215) on the air jets. My idle decreased one size from 55 to 50. My fuel/air ratio at 3500' is 12.5+/- so I am pretty rich at higher altitudes as the air gets thinner. All of this was done on a dyno with a wide band gas analyzer up the exhaust so I think it is pretty close.

I'm going to add a Fuel/Air mix unit to the car this summer and would strongly advise anyone going to the outer limits of carburetor operation to get one or you will never get it right. The link is below.

Good luck and hope this helps.
Thanks DeCoupe,

Gladly I have a ATF meter and I guess I will reduce fuel jets and up air. Racers here use 90 fue 140 air on 45/45 webers. I wonder if you must re sync them after. Do you have that funky BMW sync tool?
The 38/38 downdrafts are different - you're idling on both throttles at the same so you you can't syncronize them - they are mechanically linked. You use the funky rubber gizomo to try and balence the draw in a twin carb set up so they pull equal volumes and are opening at the same rate.