Any Under Hood (Bonnet) Insulation Recommendations?

Eric L.

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Looking to replace the crumbling foam on the underside of the hood.


Eric L.
Most of the parts sources offer a thicker die cut foam kit in three pieces which has a mylar sort of reflective cover on it. I installed it on my CS with good results but have neglected to do so on my CSL thus far (for no good reason, my CSL is liberally loaded with Dynamat, a true departure from its factory delivered condition [in which very little sound proofing was used]).
Underhood sound deadening--replacement

I have recently replaced mine with the original type available from the stealer--or Mesa--or Carl--I have had both underhood on my Coupe

Mylar coated type--IMHO--after wearing it for years--looks too space age and detracts from the correct vintage appearance of our Coupes--it does however, afford the opportunity to wipe off the oily stuff if you have an older motor that gives off fumes and crud found underhood--on the other hand the original stuff will look as it did when built and last many years if you are running with all fresh mechanicals underhood, etc.

My vote after running with both types for several years--I would not choose to replace with mylar type pads again--instead the original pads to keep it more original in appearance

Whatever you decide--the key prior to replacement with either type-- CLEAN OFF THE OLD GLUE AND CRUD--or you will be unhappy with the results as it will not securely bond to the underhood
I hope all those suppliers are not the same. I bought the mylar-faced pads from Mesa 5 years ago and never put them on because they were such poor quality. I suppose they could be die cut if "die" is name of some stoned employee with dull scissors. The quality was so bad, I never bought anything from Mesa again.

Only one data point but I thought I would pass along my experience.
Mesa Performance--poor mylar underhood pad fit

Have been doing business with Mesa Performance for 30+ years--and have received much helpful guidance as to regular, hard to find, NLA and good used parts--also for services from reputable firms thay have recommended along the way--they have excellent knowledge of the early cars.

Though popular--Mylar underhood pads referenced have NEVER been a BMW part!!--so

I would suggest that your remark condemming Mesa as a parts source is unwarranted--and contrary as to their business practices with me--your personal dis-satisfaction with the quality of an off the shelf non-BMW item could have easily been resolved with them rather than prompting an uncomplimentary remark in this public forum. When ever a problem with ANY part from them has arisen--there was never a problem in returning same for full credit--did you try that?

Statements as yours can damage otherwise good business reputations such as Mesa's--gained while serving the needs of hundreds of early BMW owners over many years--including yours truly!!

No connection except as a customer who trusts them and who has benifitted from their fine services.
Mesa has ALWAYS been good to me. They understood that my 635 was a Euro before I did, and then steered me to the right parts,. They ship fast, and take back anything that isn't what you expected or wanted.

Jim Sheridan found me some rare thin (E-12) Brembo rotors, and then had them custom drilled for me. The guy did a beautiful job, but when the rotors arrived one was damaged (looked like it had been dropped). I called Jim and he found yet another brembo, had it drilled and sent it to me.. no hassle..

So, if you were dissatisfied and didn't take action on the disappointing pads, then, I hate to say it, but shame on you. Mesa would have gladly made it right for you. They are great guys and don't desreve to be condemned because you didn't complain.

ALSO.. Per one of the posts above, you can remove the old glue and foam bits using spray Goof Off..It dissolves the adhesive and gets the hood clean right down to the paint.


MESA Rocks

I have bought many items from Mesa over the years and would highly recommend them! They are very knowledgable in "vintage bmw" and have helped me find quite a few NLA parts too. They always provide fast shipping and are very easy to deal with if you should need to return something for one reason or another. Great Folks!

When scraping off the old stuff from under your hood (bonnet) use an old sheet, plastic cover, whatever, to put over the engine and fenders (wings) so that the little, and big, chuncks don't fall into hard to reach places thus causing lotsa smoke, bad smells and general consternation. (hope you don't mind the parenthetical translations for our mates who speak English)