The original compact BMW E9 parts catalog listing parts in about 7 different languages transferred from the original factory microfiche. Contains every parts and illustrations ever manufactured for the CS coupes, including VIN number information for the CS/CSi/CSiL/CSL. They have NLA probably since the mid 1990's as I bought my set new around 1990 for about $70.
During their transfer to the digital format (factory CD and online catalogs), quite a few of the parts and illustrations got omitted during the transfer process. Whether the this was an oversight or deliberately done by BMW, it is hard to say.
The much larger white binder style 2 volume catalogs now offered by BMW contain all the info as in the orange books, but in my view, it is much more awkward to use in how they are formatted and their much larger size. For English and other languages' translation of part # listings and descriptions, one has to turn to over to another page, of which it does not contain any of the parts' pictorial illustrations, thus making fast parts references somewhat problematic.