Anyone need a racing CSL?

Not that much

I remember at one of the Concourse Italianos someone had found one of the missing original Ferrari race team cars, bought if for $6 million (if my memory is correct), spent another million on restoring it, flew in Phil Hill (the original driver), put it on the podium, handed Sterling a magic marker and had him sign the side of the car. Then donated it to a foundation for $30 million, earning a nice $23 million tax deduction.

I actually found a few photos of the event online
Note the (small) size of the crowd on the bleachers. This is what makes the Concorso so great!
About $268K thanks.

I thumbnailed it at $250; guess I was close enough. The K-fish injection on it is pretty damn rare. But, maybe not that rare.

It would be a great platform for the next project I want to do: a copy of the Calder CSL.
It would be a great platform for the next project I want to do: a copy of the Calder CSL.

I love the idea, but I would first inquire about the possibility of copyright violations.
I remember reading somewhere that someone did make a copy of the Caulder car and they did indeed need to get permission from the Coulder family to avoid copy right infringement (read lawsuit).
That would only be if it was an exact copy, right? you could mess with the color scheme a little .
Any thoughts on that.
I have always wanted Fosse to do my coupe as a calder tribute, in my dreams huh!

I remember reading somewhere that someone did make a copy of the Caulder car and they did indeed need to get permission from the Coulder family to avoid copy right infringement (read lawsuit).

Hell, given how often I [don't] drive the CSL I already have, no one would ever see my clone, so no one would ever be able to sue me.
It would be a great platform for the next project I want to do: a copy of the Calder CSL.

I love the idea, but I would first inquire about the possibility of copyright violations.

What copyright violations? People make replicas all the time. Not to mention people make replicas of artwork all the time. If I recall there is a guy in Europe that has a Calder knockoff.