Anything Happening in the Bay Area


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Newmarket, New Hampshire
I have a business trip planned to the Sf Bay area and will get there Saturday June 12 at about noon. Business starts on Monday so, if there is a cars and coffee or something coupe oriented happening, clue me in.
Infineon this weekend

Hi Stan:

The 2010 Sonoma Historic Motorsport festival is going on at Infineon raceway all weekend, and there is a "festival" displaying many of the vintage racers in the Sonoma Square on Saturday evening. The races feature cars from 1914 through 1988, with an emphasis on the 1950's and 1960's.

Best regaerds,

I have a business trip planned to the Sf Bay area and will get there Saturday June 12 at about noon. Business starts on Monday so, if there is a cars and coffee or something coupe oriented happening, clue me in.

I was thinking of going for tapas and sangria in Menlo Park. How is that coupe oriented? I may go in the coupe. Highly recommended.
I was thinking of going for tapas and sangria in Menlo Park. How is that coupe oriented? I may go in the coupe. Highly recommended.
That would work!! Saturday or Sunday? I arrive at SFO at about 11am Sat. I am staying in Emeryville (cheaper Courtyard Marriott)
That would work!! Saturday or Sunday? I arrive at SFO at about 11am Sat. I am staying in Emeryville (cheaper Courtyard Marriott)

Either one, Saturday is more lively at the tapas bar. I'll drop you a message to your box with my cell. The place is Iberia, in Menlo park, the street is Alma and Ravenswood across from the Menlo Park train station. I'll be wearing a Verona red coupe.

might be able meet ya in Emeryville for ????, not sure yet - my boy's sport schedule is a bit outta control right now but - might be able to sneak away Sat PM or Sunday.

If your staying in Emeryville, treat yourself to auto heaven by strolling over to Fantasy Junction...might want to leave the checkbook in the hotel room.... ;-)


BTW: Infineon Historics on Sat was real nice, perfect weather, lite crowds. My couper made its track debut (sorta) in the BMW Club parade... gotta couple good squirts in over three laps...great course, definitely a personal favorite....surprised I had the only E9 there that I saw or know of......
Shanon, we were planning 9PM in Menlo on Saturday. Does that work? Alvin, are you around? Any others? The plan is tapas bar.
Tapas + CS

I am looking forward to meeting you all.
Shanon, I will be at the Courtyard Marriott in Emeryville if you want to ride to Menlo Park together. Let me know.