Armrest Door Trim Caps

E9inus Maximus

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Miami, Florida
Hello Group, I’m looking for a set of upper armrest trim caps in blue but any color will do as they can be dyed. Not to be confused with the chrome trim caps above them that I do have. Please let me know if anyone has a set they’re willing to sell.
Many thanks,

I looked everywhere but couldn't find. Unavailable from WN but please forward a link if you have. Much appreciated. Dan
I also looked and found nothing new. I might have a couple used ones and can check tomorrow. They won't be perfect if that is what you are looking for.
I also looked and found nothing new. I might have a couple used ones and can check tomorrow. They won't be perfect if that is what you are looking for.
Nice, thanks @tferrer I just ordered two sets from Germany. Black and blue. I’m keeping the blue. PM me for the black ones once I get them, you can paint, dye them any color. Best, Dan
Done. The black are yours as soon as I get them. Glad I found mine. Bonus...they're both apparently unused. Please message me privately.
He's great, thanks for the tip. I just got the black ones and they're OEM flawless. PM if you want them. They cost me around $110 with shipping or so...Steal