Automobile Magazine's 25 most beautiful cars EVER!


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September issue is a special design issue of some outstanding cars worldwide that have ever been created. Our coupe is amongst them and rightfully so. I know everyone has a favorite, but the editors of this influencial publication saw it fit to include our beloved touring car. Onward and upward with price appreciation. I think the coupe has turned into an investment rather than a habit.
The center fold out, it you will, was a Rolls Royce. Didn't get a chance to read the article (just opened up the mag and was called immediately in to the dentist office) so don't know if it was an R-Continental or and S1 Continental. My wife has loved this body style for decades and when we win the lottery, I have a feeling one will find it's way into our garage.
When I drove past the podium at the Greenwich Concours this year to recieve an award for my '74 CS, David E. Davis, the MC, said, "This is the car we should all be looking at for the next ten years."
..... the MC, said, "This is the car we should all be looking at for the next ten years."

That will be me then :roll: with a cup of tea in one hand, angle grinder in the other trying to work out how to get all the rust out without the poor old bucket folding up in half! :lol:

Sorry couldn't resist :wink:
The best thing that might happen is that our habit turns out to be our best investment ever :roll:
Good habits--versus bad ones

Gave up the bad ones when it became necessary for life and limb--but had adopted the BLUMAX long before and for whatever good fortune had never injured those wheels--and now--

Having said before MANY TIMES TO ANY ONE WHO WOULD LISTEN--"the CS is probably the finest albeit overlooked drivable collectable at this time"--and we (long time owners/sufferers) are convinced that those that remain in fine "original condition" (or close to same I add) will enjoy values soon hovering around $50K and beyond!

Do you see what some of the early Yank Tanks are selling for at auction--are they drivable collectables?? methinks not too many--having owned several dating back to the 1950's when surviving the Detroit auto industry for seven years.