Auxiliary fuse panel


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I think I will add a second fuse panel to the car to power my fuel pump, fan,fog lights, window relays and any other electric gizmos I am likely to add. Thinking of going with this marine panel figuring boat stuff is usually very good quality. Anyone else added circuits to their Coupe? If yes, what did you use and where did you put it.

If I go with this one, I would mount it on a plate with industrial velcro in the fuse box area.

If I go with this unit, I would probably mount it in the void above the glove box
This is what a lot of use in the M/C long distance community.

I've got one on my FJR and it is awesome. I run a number of circuits like aux. lights, GPS(s), tunes, etc. What I really like is the build quality of the base board, the lug screws are really strong, plus you can have a "switched" and "un-switched" circuits. Some of the folks use the BlueSeas with good success but they seem to be a bit larger. The guy also has a terrific selection of other components.

This is another guy that we've used a lot in the past. Haven't done much with him lately but his stuff was excellent too
What it looks like in real life

I had a lot of stuff to add as well, so I mounted a pretty big box out where the battery used to be. Relays are high beam, low beam, two for the auxiliary lights due to wanting them to work a certain way, ignition power to the motronic (the coil etc is powered by this, so I didn't want to take it from the old ignition-on circuits), high fan, low fan, and horn. Two extra sockets left over in case of future additions. Below the panel are self resetting circuit breakers for the windows (now with relays) and the fan. Fuses power all of the above circuits without putting any additional load on the original fuse panel (I don't think it can take it).

Here's the fuse block. Compact and looks nice I think. Would be nice if there were a bus on the back to power everything, but each one is separate. Could also use this inside the car, but it needs to mount on a panel of some sort that allows the wires to stick out the back.!-8!way/p_10823.h_26531

Lots of power getting used all at once!

Wow does that look nice. Can you post another wider shot to see how that all integrates in the engine bay? Perhaps with the cover on? Was that an air box before? If ever I mounted a remote battery in the trunk it might be neat to have a hollowed out period correct battery as a case for a hidden electronics. Great work!
Here's one from before the engine was in.

The box is a "NEMA enclosure". Used to mount electrical equipment outdoors for whatever reason. They only come in ugly colors, so I painted it. Here's the exact one. There are lots of cheaper ones, but this was the only suitable size I could find to fit that space and everything I needed to put in it.
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