Bat and CSL available


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Sunset Beach, Ca
Hello Group! While I am hesitant to post these cars for sale officially, I do recall selling my Batmobile to a member of this forum. I have been commissioned to sell both a CSL Batmobile (Series 1) and a City Package. Both of these cars are some of the nicest examples I have ever seen. I am working privately with some perspective buyers for each, but things are moving a little slower than anticipated. With that said, if you or someone you know is serious about either of these cars, please email me at [email protected]. I am not looking for "price hunters" to come back and post their findings on this thread. So, please don't waste my time or yours. Thank you.
Also, if you do contact me and request info on the cars and I take my time to send it to you, and you don't have an interest in either car for whatever reason, could you at least send me a message back stating so? I would appreciate it.
This is starting off well.

I have had quite a few inquiries and some of them went very well. My favorite one was from a guy in Georgia. Here is what he said in his email: "Hi Ron, I have been looking for the right CSL for a long time now, please tell me what you have!" I sent a nice email back with photos, history, and pricing with quite a few links. Heard nothing back, sent another email to see if he received my previous email....effing crickets. Quite a few of those. I just don't get it...if you are not interested, have some class and say so!!! End of rant, and Happy Tuesday ;-)
I looked at the suggestions the moderators have for this segment of the forum; your post doesn't follow any of them. So, you have rules, but ours don't count.
I looked at the suggestions the moderators have for this segment of the forum; your post doesn't follow any of them. So, you have rules, but ours don't count.

Just asking for some common courtesy. Is that too much to ask? Hate on.
I have had quite a few inquiries and some of them went very well. My favorite one was from a guy in Georgia. Here is what he said in his email: "Hi Ron, I have been looking for the right CSL for a long time now, please tell me what you have!" I sent a nice email back with photos, history, and pricing with quite a few links. Heard nothing back, sent another email to see if he received my previous email....effing crickets. Quite a few of those. I just don't get it...if you are not interested, have some class and say so!!! End of rant, and Happy Tuesday ;-)
at least i am pretty certain to say that i wasn't the guy in Georgia.
Probably would be easier and more efficient to post the pictures and info here and then either post the price or ask for an email for the price. Just sayin'.
at least i am pretty certain to say that i wasn't the guy in Georgia.

Haha, nope! I have met some great people from Georgia. Some have coupes, and others want one and have the means to get one, but are probably happy with their current collection. I bought a 3.0 CSi and a 2800CS from a guy in Atlanta plus a bunch of parts. The guy flew me out there with his miles, picked me up at the airport and delivered me back.
I think we should all respect the forum rules. Even if the price is "one million dollars or best offer."

I understand how it is when you sell a very rare car (I have two of them). You want to let people know that it is for sale, but in a high dollar negotiation, the first person to "name a number loses."

Hence why we have rules on the forum to make it different than an auction site.

I hope that made sense.

OK, not trying to be nosy, but what would be the combined price for both cars for example.

Good luck with the sale!
Not a big RULE follower myself. Just pointing out that the RULE that keeps getting referred to is....comments should be constructive and opinions should be kept to a minimum. The rest...price pics location etc are only suggestions of good practice.
Don't evEn know why I bother, tiresome, maybe I am a wanna be cop..haha...probly just contributing to the bad vibes. Hi ho silver, away!

Like this

COMMENTS MUST BE MADE IN A CONSTRUCTIVE MANNER! No bashing will be tolerated. Opinions need to be kept to a minimum in the classified area.

Ads must be BMW related. An ad for a vehicle other than a CS is fine, but keep it in the family! COMMENTS MUST BE MADE IN A CONSTRUCTIVE MANNER! No bashing will be tolerated. Opinions need to be kept to a minimum in the classified area.

Its good practice (and saves everyone a lot of time) to list the following in your ad:

1) Location
2) Price
3) Detailed description (the more info you post the fewer questions you'll get, over and over...)
4) Photos if you have them.

egarding for sale ads from "dealers". This is a public forum! ANY business that uses a public forum to sell goods signs up for any and all critique from the masses. There will always be someone that had a bad experience with that business and feels the need to vent, there will always be someone that feels its not fair for a business to advertise to a captive audience. As a business owner, you take on that risk. would prefer that users get to see what others have for sale since E9 parts (and cars) are getting hard to find. Scaring off all the sellers is probably not in everyone's best interest.
Funny thing about coupe talkers on the net, I wonder how many started as '02 fans who feel they've aged out or gradualated to E9s, but still carry that 'tude (you know, you're a dick, my car's better, thats not my girl you smell, etc)
Hey ya'll, the Georgia guy here. First, let me apologize to you Ron for the lack of a reply. I sent my original email inquiry on 2/24, Ron P responded on 2/25 with a nice email and photos and price included. He sent a second f/u email the next day. I wrote a nice response, polite, spell checked and everything but one fatal error, no "send" pushed.
I just went back and found it as a draft tied to the three other emails.

I was oblivious to all this, until tonight when I thought lets check on that killer CSL and see whats going on with it on e9.
I was impressed to see that it hadn't sold and even more impressed to see that I had made the thread as a car ad social deadbeat.

My first thoughts was, "I'll show that Ron P a thing or two.." and post all the emails, that would feel good. Prices and pictures for the masses, but then I realized I don't have issues with anybody. I just didn't push "send", that doesn't make me an asshole, just email sloppy. If Ron P doesn't want to post that stuff then it shouldn't get posted. Crazy how quick things can escalate with out any substance.

Well since the emails at the end of February life took back over as it does, work, family, bills, travel, taxes, yard work and of course unanswered emails, you guys know the things that drive us to

So again let me send my apologies to Ron P. That is one beautiful CSL and I thank you for the email info.