bavaria 3.0 manifolds


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I in the process of reinstalling the weber 32 36 carbs back on the motor. Is the manifold that provides vacuum for the brake booster supposed to be the rear manifold? I checked on line and one picture i found showed the booster manifold in the rear. does it make a difference? doesn't look right in the current setup, the rear carb looks much lower and the linkage appears to be slanted to the rear. any help appreciated

Gale H
On my ‘74 Bavaria, brake booster vacuum is drawn from the forward manifold. The carburetors do sit at different levels.
i had a bavaria in the late 70's so dont have total recall of the carb setup but it seems the rear carb did sit lower. Another thing is the stock air filter housing has a spacer that appears to take up the distance between the two carbs, the rear carb being lower than the front would have had the spacer. These parts were in the boot when i bought the car so im assuming they were stock items with the zenith carbs that were originally on the cars. Ive also discovered the lower front nut on the stud holding the manifold has been mangled somehow so it would be about impossible to change the manifolds without a lot of work removing the coolant hoses and diverter at the front of the motor.
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