$$$ Bavaria

i guess they think that since 2002's and coupes have taken off that the basic bavaria has too. i doubt that this will sell for anything close to the ask
Watching the market of iconic cars like 70s, 80s BMWs, Mercedes and Porsches I don't understand why a Bavaria wouldn't get to experience a similar sort of appreciation. Sure we all know that a very good driver status car 10 years ago could be purchased for about $3,000.00; but that doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

We've seen e12s reach the mid $30s as well as non M e28s, ask me how I know. Low mileage (75,000 miles) e28 m5s that 4 years ago traded for $15,000.00 or so have now exceeded the $50,000.00 mark, an Alpina B7 Turbo went for $62,000.00 before auction fees. Many of us said that Coupes would never be worth much and look where they are now.

IF this Bavaria is what the seller says it is, and if it looks as good inside, under the hood and chassis as it does on the exterior then I don't see why an E3 in this condition couldn't be worth half as much as the equivalent E9.

It's the old saying, try to duplicate it for that kind of money. Oh and I agree, this is probably one of those examples of a lot of lipstick on a pig.
A little high for no A/C or sunroof. Wonder if it has electric windows retrofitted? If it's a stock Bavaria, it was intended to be the "entry model".

Odd stance too, like it has no engine
A little high for no A/C or sunroof. Wonder if it has electric windows retrofitted? If it's a stock Bavaria, it was intended to be the "entry model".

The write-up reads: 1973 BMW Bavaria, S/N 3105537, Verona Red with black leatherette, 3.0 litre in-line 6 cylinder engine with two Zenith carburetors, 4 speed manual transmission, disc brakes, period Craig am/fm/cassette radio, complete original tool kit, original wheel chock, we think all original paint, original data tags and labels in place, simply equipped with wind up windows, no air conditioning and no sunroof, a largely original example of an iconic early BMW sedan.

Copley Motors boasts that it is "simply equipped": no A/C, power windows, sunroof. So no retrofitted electric windows. I thought all US-delivery coupes and Bavarias came with A/C, particularly by 1973 - how did this one missed getting A/C? European version perhaps?

The ad also says that it has only 16,000 miles. Wonder why it was put away after travelling so few miles?
It looks like one of those high end car dealers, they always ask a lot for the cars with the middle man etc. Need to pay bills and commission to salesman sort of thing. If it is indeed original paint, it has been kept up very nice (from limited far away pics) and I think that would be the biggest factor here, if completely original. I highly doubt it. They are asking above top dollar. NADA concours condition now for a Bavaria is $26,700.00, exactly what I have mine insured for agreed upon value. I have over this in build costs (including original purchase price) and there is still much to do. It's always bitter sweet seeing stuff like this. It's what prices a lot of us out of the game if costs of parts continue to climb and availability of parts becomes scarce. I guess that is why these old pieces of steel continue to climb in price. For no sunroof or A/C I agree price is pretty steep and am I missing a link to more pictures? For this asking price there should be a TON of pictures and documents to support original paint claim or if restored, who and when was restoration? And milage is probably 116K which is low, the 16K has an asterik*. It's low but not 32K miles low or something which are still out there, very few, but under 100K still out there. Even though I have as much or more into mine, I wouldn't expect that kind of money at all. But mine is never going to be for sale (yes never LOL). Anyhow, Verona nice color, don't see many of them, it is nice and I agree stance looks off up front, even with stock springs there should be some sag if original, very "lifted" up there. Easy to critique even nice cars, I hope it goes to a good owner and there are no major downside surprises, I'm sure whoever pays even close to that number knows what they are getting into and have the money to fix anything that is "off." I can already tell exhaust is not original. If anyone on here visits the place take some more pics if allowed and let us know what you think. THX!
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I thought all US-delivery coupes and Bavarias came with A/C, particularly by 1973 - how did this one missed getting A/C?

I was thinking same thing? Possibly removed? But this sort of car in it's condition that would be rare to remove and not fix if there was a problem.
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It looks like one of those high end car dealers, they always ask a lot for the cars with the middle man etc. Need to pay bills and commission to salesman sort of thing. If it is indeed original paint, it has been kept up very nice (from limited far away pics) and I think that would be the biggest factor here, if completely original. I highly doubt it. They are asking above top dollar. NADA concours condition now for a Bavaria is $26,700.00, exactly what I have mine insured for agreed upon value. I have over this in build costs (including original purchase price) and there is still much to do. It's always bitter sweet seeing stuff like this. It's what prices a lot of us out of the game if costs of parts continue to climb and availability of parts becomes scarce. I guess that is why these old pieces of steel continue to climb in price. For no sunroof or A/C I agree price is pretty steep and am I missing a link to more pictures? For this asking price there should be a TON of pictures and documents to support original paint claim or if restored, who and when was restoration? And milage is probably 116K which is low, the 16K has an asterik*. It's low but not 32K miles low or something which are still out there, very few, but under 100K still out there. Even though I have as much or more into mine, I wouldn't expect that kind of money at all. But mine is never going to be for sale (yes never LOL). Anyhow, Verona nice color, don't see many of them, it is nice and I agree stance looks off up front, even with stock springs there should be some sag if original, very "lifted" up there. Easy to critique even nice cars, I hope it goes to a good owner and there are no major downside surprises, I'm sure whoever pays even close to that number knows what they are getting into and have the money to fix anything that is "off." I can already tell exhaust is not original. If anyone on here visits the place take some more pics if allowed and let us know what you think. THX!

Frankly I'm pleased to see a potential value increase. Friends keep telling me that Bavarias will appreciate in the future. When we purchased ours a couple of years ago I had no idea (but I should have) on the expense it would take to make the car up to my standards. We are now mostly there and are enjoying it on a regular basis. Just this past weekend on a couple of drives my wife commented that the car didn't cause her any fatigue. Our bottom line is we didn't buy it to make a couple of bucks but it never hurts to see an increase.

Being somewhat involved in 1950's American collector cars I can share that first everyone wanted the convertibles, 2 door hardtops, sedans and finally station wagons. Yes, the lowly station wagon has become a sought after item. Fortunately we've owned a couple and sold one a few years back and made good money for the time but in today's world it was peanuts. The current example that we paid a good number for is rising rapidly. I hope the Bavaria will follow that path.............
Most likely Canadian delivery if no A/C, they got same 73 bumpers and side marker lights. No DOT decal on driver's door.
Well, easily could be a Canadian car. Very close to Montreal area where many Bavs were sold. Reason for low mileage? Once it got to Boston it was way to hot to drive it without a/c! Did you see the Isetta they are selling for $40K?
Yeah Isetta's for $30-$40K I just don't get the appeal at all, but to each their own. Whatever floats your bobber or blows your hair back.
I don't think anyone's hair is going to get blown back in an Isetta :)

I've always liked BMW sedans, I really wanted a Bav when I was looking for my first BMW and I'm happy to see they are getting some attention.

There's been an dramatic increase in the prices of late 60's and early 70's Alfa sedans. The Guilia super and Berlinas used to be $5k to $10k for a choice car. A nice super just sold on ebay for $26.5k


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