Bay Area Coupe Gathering this Friday


Well-Known Member
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Los Gatos, CA, USA
Who can make it to Los Gatos at 12 noon this Friday? We can eat lunch, look at the Lambos and go for a quick thrashing. Anyone? Is it just going to be PJ and me?
I'll be there, in spirit, as I sit making double-clutching car noises in the still-bare cockpit of the rotisseried coupe. Soon, someday soon.
Dude , come down anyway!
I have seen what you are doing and would love to bs over a beer. I am sure you and TJ could entertain us with coupe rebuilding stories for a while.
Erik are you going to make it?
I am thinking Hannigins Bar?

anyone else

Say, got an address for the lunch meet (Hannigans?).
Might be able to pull it off.

I think I'll have to make this one even if it's impolitic with the in-laws in town.... after all, it is sunny, if a bit nippley.

Vraned, you're in San Jose, come on over! Coupe or no coupe, we want to hear about that restoration. If those were your pictures that I remember seeing, then you're as close to a UK-style diy'er as I've seen locally. Bring some pix and have a beer.

Hannegans is here:
hope to meet/see ya'll tomorrow...high noon @ Hannegan's
by the name, they should pour a good Guiness....

'70 2800cs (in all her primered glory!)
Hey TJ,

Unfortunately I will not be able to make it but thanks for the invite.

BTW, a few coupe guys (ok Kurt and myself so far) will be traveling down your way in a mini rally late Jan/early Feb to end up in SD. We will be stoppig by Santa Monica for the night, coupes and all. Maybe we can get together with a few of the So Cal guys for a drive? Are you with the in crowd down there yet?

Hey all, I'm new to the community and sounds like a good way to meet others in the Bay Area. I'll be there with my ceylon CS. Save a wide parking spot for me, I'm driving in w/o a power steering pump.
Last week Ckick and Clack opined that the rusting only begins once you drive a salty wet car into a warm garage. Outside it is presumably too cold to rust...

Rust is a chemical reaction. With every chemical reaction, heat is required. Rust is the reaction of Fe with O2, or 4Fe + 3O2 = 2FeO3.

The best way to avoid corrosion is either to leave the car running (impossible) or install cathodic protection.

See Links:

Purchasing and bolting Anodes onto your car is very easy, all, if not most Boat Shops will have them in stock, or be able to get them.
Your next drive count me in.....looking for a coupe

I sure would like to participate but don't have a car. I have been searching for a 3.0 CS in fact on 01/04 I will be in LA checking out a nice 73 3.0.

When I get one I will definately join your next trip. Oh by the way if you know of anyone in the SF Bay area who has an excellent coupe for sale, let me know. I live in So. San Jose.

whats the criteria for the hsr series , I shyed away from the 944 track car when a nice 87 325is with dinan suspension /410 lsd/ chip and some internal work came up for grabs locally .
Stoked that I am staying faithful to the marque.
Does your crew have any track days planned , Nasa has one on sunday at Laguna Seca but I think its full .

Let me know

Missed it!

Rats! Missed it. Didn't see it till Sunday night. I gotta check in more frequently.

If you wanna do the Sonoma Wine Country sometime, let me know. I know some wiggly roads with wineries and no Winnebagos, off the main tourist trail. Solo visitors welcome to call anytime too.
Keith B Ph 707-576-7250.

Here's some photos of the last Pacific tour FYI

Coupe spotting: I saw a silver coupe heading up toward Fountaingrove, passed it in my green one waving. You never even looked up. Are you here? Looked like a nice car.