Before I break something..

That's a toughie. I'd say try to slip something slim and stiff (table knife?) into the gap between the door and dash and lever the lock latch out of the catch. Pushing the door in the direction the latch needs to move might get you enough play to pop it loose.

Unfortunately the screws that old the hinge on the back are not accessible with the door closed. If you were really careful you might be able to use a hacksaw blade and slip in between the hinge and the mount and saw off the screws (I think there are 4 or 5). The hinge and screws are replaceable with similar bits from many other BMW's, and the mount could be refinished to repair any scrapes.
It's only three screws and you might be able to get at them with a short phillips drill bit in a pair of vise grips (might).

Yeah I thought that you *could* get to the three sheet metal screws (10mm hex head bolts) that hold it to the body. Give it a try............