Best N/A Source For Center and Outer Rockers?


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Got my Pyrite Princess home last week, started taking it apart this week.....ick, Burgund-Rot! (reference to the princess's hidden charms!)

Of course, I need parts, intermediate and outer sills, both sides. I already have a source for the floor panels.
I also need a welder, some skills, lotsa money.

Is there a supplier for "Bottom of A pillar" rebuilds?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks all, I will check them out!

Tilla, the Jaymic A column repairs, are they for the top or the bottom? I'm am trying to orient the shape in my head.....i'm thinkin they are top repair not bottom.

A peak under the dash only shows a little surface rust, nothing more, so I assume the a column tops are ok, but wont know until the fenders are off.

....just where do you cut the fenders along the window? I suppose I should just start grinding with a 3m product to find the seam.

Any thots?

I have no first hand experience, I would assume that the repair panels are for the bottom as that is where the moisture would accumulate - I would defer to someone that has worked with them - we should consult with the oxidation oracle Malc, I'm sure he has some insight.
I got the passneger side outer rocker panel from BMW. Cost was, IRRC, $300+/-. Theyhave the innder, the beam, the intermediate(rear section) and the outer. Took about a week from Munich.

Can send Pictures if required regarding where the front wings (fenders) need to be cut.

Jaymic A-pillar repair section is for the lower 2/3 of the front and side of the pillar and the forward part of the foot which connects to the middle sill section.
Lots af adjustment is required and addition metal needs letting in depending on how much of the a-pillar has, er....... dissolved!

BMW still can supply the inner/middle and outer sills depending if any are being pressed.
Wolloth and Nesch is a good supplier they seem to have lots of stuff all the time. Occasionally he has complete genuine A-pillars but they are very expensive.

Thanks to all of you!

Malc, please post a pic or of the grinding areas you describe. I may just embolden the odd other loon to get involved.

Am I correct in thinking the top of the fender welds directly to the window apeture/frame?
Thanks to all of you!

Malc, please post a pic or of the grinding areas you describe. I may just embolden the odd other loon to get involved.

Good to know there is more than one loon about :wink:

Am I correct in thinking the top of the fender welds directly to the window apeture/frame?

Basically yes. I'll find / take some pictures for you today (Monday) and post them up
Pictures for the Gang!

Well here you go! The first picture shows where a new wing (fender) sits in relationship to the pillar.

When your trying to find the joint carefully grind or sand away until you find evidence of either filler or in the case of original/old repairs lead loading.

The dear old buckets front wings were also "butt" welded along the windscreen aperture, so very careful work with a die grinder was called for. Note the evidence of earlier butchery! I think the wings have been replaced before :?


OK... the black part, plus the welding shows the Jaymic A-pillar repair section being let in to the remains of the originals. Note that extra metal, lots of swearing and many cups of tea are required, and the job isn't finished yet!


Another view of the repair section. The tricky bit, if you make your own, is the curved section at the bottom. I have yet to add the indent for the lower sill trim fastening bolts. Thank the gods for oxy-acetelene so I can carefully soften the bottom and add the indent.


Without the new wing, ruler shown to give you an idea of dimensions.


HTH Malc
Great stuff Malc, this will be very usefull......after I mortgage the house, sell the car and quit my job....kidding.

I dont suppose I will be doing this on the weekend!

I got prices from BMW on the intermediate and out sills.

Inter: $750 CDN
Outer: $450 CDN

$2,500 total, excluding the other refits.

Much consideration to do!

This may explain some of the problem we face daily: