BMW 3.0 CSL - the early days

CSL 1973

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As most of us knows, the carburator version of the 3.0 CSL was first on the market. It was presented for the first time at the Geneve motor salon in May 1971. But that was not exactly what BMW wanted. BMWs intention was actually to present both the carburator version (2986 ccm) and the injection version (3003 ccm) at the same time.

But, BMW had difficulties to pass the injection version through the German TüV (Controle Technique), so finally it was the carburator CSL which was presented first.

On a podium surrended by flowers and some white reception desks, BMW presented their highlight in their stand at the Geneve event. The specific CSL presented was one in light colors (maybe Golf, Fjord, Polaris or Chamonix). The photo is B/W so it's diffcult to decide the colour.

Interesting to note is that BMW blocked 30 miljon DM for the CSL project (initially 1000 cars) and that's the reason why BMW priced the CSL in May 1971 to 31 950 DM. The CSL should be self-financed and no profit was expected.

The first year (12 months) BMW only sold some 650 CSLs which was less than expected.


As most of us knows, the carburator version of the 3.0 CSL was first on the market. It was presented for the first time at the Geneve motor salon in May 1971. But that was not exactly what BMW wanted. BMWs intention was actually to present both the carburator version (2986 ccm) and the injection version (3003 ccm) at the same time.

But, BMW had difficulties to pass the injection version through the German TüV (Controle Technique), so finally it was the carburator CSL which was presented first.

On a podium surrended by flowers and some white reception desks, BMW presented their highlight in their stand at the Geneve event. The specific CSL presented was one in light colors (maybe Golf, Fjord, Polaris or Chamonix). The photo is B/W so it's diffcult to decide the colour.

Interesting to note is that BMW blocked 30 miljon DM for the CSL project (initially 1000 cars) and that's the reason why BMW priced the CSL in May 1971 to 31 950 DM. The CSL should be self-financed and no profit was expected.

The first year (12 months) BMW only sold some 650 CSLs which was less than expected.



What leads you to believe that the 3003 cc CSiL development was already well underway in May 1971? Is there a vintage document or press release to that effect? Thanks for your input!

"BMW - Portrait einer grossen Marke" (Bleicher Verlag ISBN 3-921097-12-6)

Hallo Gerrit!

Yes there is a vintage document/Book published in 1973.

The source for my previous post was Hanns Peter Rosellen, who wrote the book:

"BMW - Portrait einer grossen Marke" (Bleicher Verlag ISBN 3-921097-12-6).

In this book, the author covers detailed data about BMW for the years 1945-1972. For instance, he is listening the BMW board members since 1945, BMW turn-around figures, Stammkapital, MC and car production figures etc in detail. He also publish pictures, from the factory floor, taken 1945.

Through the whole book, he illustrates with unique Press photos from inside the factory, design department, several really early BMW prototypes ("K-1", "328 2-seats coupe",
"BMW SI" based on 328 chassi and with Aluminium "Karosserie" + Plexiglas roof etc). Almost all BMW models from the early models like 328 and 335 to the 3.0 CSL are documented with "Werksfoto" and period "Werbung/adds".

As the author uses a lot of unique and initiated information and Werks/Press photos that most likely was provided directly from BMW, I assume the author is pretty trustworthy.

On page 182, Hanns Peter Rosellen writes about the "3.0 CSL premiere" at Geneva Autosalon 1971 and the wish from BMW to present both the CSL carb + injection versions at the same time. But that difficulties with TüV delayed the CSL-injection model.

Of course there could be mistakes in the book but there are a lot of interesting facts (like how BMW recruited the 33-years old Krefelder Jochen Neerpasch etc) which gives a pretty solid impression when reading the book.

This book is really unique with all the facts and pictures covering the early years 1945-1972, but unfortunately the book is pretty rare and hard to find.


Great! This is the type of solid reference that one can take seriously although like you said, some misinterpretation can sometimes happen in the transmission to the press. The first CSis came out in Juli 71 and the first injected CSL in June 72, almost a year later. It was a test bed car, most likely taken out of the carb series with a special polished air plenum to accomodate the testing equipment. The CSil program was officially anounced in August 72 with the following injected CSLs coming out in September.
I have to get a hold of that book!
Thanks again,


I was also surprised when I read Rosellen's book from 1973 about the early plans for an injection CSL. I think the 3.0 CSi (and 3.0 Si) was officially available on the market in September 1971 (CSi priced at 29 440 DM and Si at 22 690 DM). Logically, the injection engine must have been developed during several months before that date. I.e., taking the summer holiday period July-August, TüV etc into account, maybe as early as beginning of 1971. So in theory, there could have been plans for the injection CSL already as early as spring 1971.

But, as said before, it would not be the first time with a misinterpretation when info is given from BMW to the press.

However, it's fully correct that it took until August-September 1972 until the 3.0 CSiL was officially launched and available for the customers (although that the injection engine was available since almost a year). Something must have delayed the injection CSL and one reason could have been the German TüV.


You are right. Fjord, Polaris or Chamonix are impossible colors for the carb CSL at Geneva Autosalon 1971, as BMW only delivered the carb-CSL in Inka, Golf, Colorado, Verona (1 car) and 1 client request. My guess would be Inka or Colorado for the 1971 Geneva Autosalon CSL.


The book was mail ordered yesterday for a "symbolic" 1 eur and I hope to get more than the protective cover...I usually take my cues from the BMW documents of the days and my "hands on" experience of those cars but vintage publications are a great complement, especially for the pictures.

I confirm from the werks data that the CSis started production in July 1971. Was the CSi presented at the 1971 Geneva Autosalon? I believe that if the carb CSL had sold a little better at first, there wouldn´t have been a D-jet CSL and much less a RHD D-jet CSL. It is also hard to understand why the Tüv would make difficulties with a first oversize CSi engine installed in a CSL body to the point of delaying the production over one year. In the end they still managed to sell those 1000 pieces which is little compared to the some 20 000 E9s produced in the same period.


I have checked in the original "Silber BMW Pressemappe" for the 1972 BMW program and there, the 3.0 CSi is presented. This Pressemappe, aimed for the Press, was most likely used for the 1971 Autosalon autumn events. A curiosity is that 3.0 CSL is not mentioned at all in this Pressemappe.

In order to confirm if 3.0 CSi was presented already in the May 1971 Autosalon, I have to dig a little bit deeper in my archive.

As regards the 3.0 CSiL, BMW issued a pressrelease dated 14 August 1972 (signed by (Bandow and Zentzytzki). Five days earlier (9 August 1972), BMW informed the network, of BMW-dealers, about the new injection version 3.0 CSiL.

The earliest price list I have for the RHD 3.0 CSiL, is dated October 1972 and the price was GBP 5294,43 + Tax 1104,57 = 6399 (+ Power steering GBP 115,03 + Tax).

BTW, congrats to the Rosellen-book at a bargain price, I think the one trying to sell it for 60 euro at might be a little too optimistic. Normally the book can be found for 20-30 euro.

Geneva Motorsalon 1971 etc

I have found the following info:

- In September 1970 BMW took a decision to build a light version of the CS coupe. In order to reduce some 200 kg, Alpina got a 20-point program/directive from BMW

- 11-21/3 1971 (not May 1971 as I wrongly thought), the 41st Motorsalon in Geneva, with the 3.0 CSL carb as premiere, took place.

- 11/3 1971 was the world premiere for the 3.0 CS - most likely at the Geneva event - with production as from April 1971 (price in May 1971 CS: DM 26 973, CSA: DM 28 416)

- May 1971 3.0 CSL carb production (from the CS VIN-serie)

- September 1971 the first CSi cars were delivered (price DM 29 440)

- May 1972 CSL carb priced at DM 31 950

- August 1972 3.0 CSiL production (DM 31 425)

As a conclusion, I don't think the CSi was shown in BMW's stand at the Geneva Autosalon in March 1971. There was no IAA in 1971 (started again 1973) but there was a "Paris Salon de l'Auto" in 1971 and I think that event is normally held during September/October.

CSL paint scheme?

Hoping someone here can confirm for me the correct (original) paint scheme(s) for the various CSL models (carb'd, injected, BAT) as it relates to the lower front cowl and area under the rear bumper. I've seen them finished in body color and in black. Even between the various well known restored cars there seems to be a lot of differences in how they are finished.
CSL paint scheme

After consulting the original CSL sales brochures and CSL Werkfoto:

Carb CSL: black lower front cowl + black below rear bumper

Injection CSL: black lower front cowl + black below rear bumper

Injection CSL with citypack (steel bumpers): body color

CSL Bat: black lower front cowl + black below rear bumper

Injection RHD CSL with citypack (steel bumpers): body color

perfect, and one more ?

Thanks, I suspected it was not the same across the various CSL models... this is great info and much appreciated.

What about underbody finishes within these models?
Practical jokes Ford vs Neerpasch

Underbody in Europe could be black if the car had undergone the rust protection scheme from "Tectyl". Otherwise, I think a lot was painted in body color (under tank, floor etc). I'm not sure if rust protection was offered in the USA etc. If the car was treated with Tectyl, it had normally the Tectyl-sticker in the left or right lower corner of the rear back window.

Coming back to the early CSL-days, and the time when Jochen Neerpasch just had entered "BMW Motorsport abteilung" (recruited from Ford to BMW in April/May 1972). Referring to Jeromy Waltons book "Unbeatable BMW", a funny incident happened to Neerpasch when he had parked his Golf company-CSL (MAH-1076?) outside a hotel over the night. During the night, his former colleagues from Ford could not resite to place a sticker with the text " Powered by Ford" on his CSL (under the rear 3.0 CSL emblem).
