Bosch connectors


Well-Known Member
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Santa Fe, NM
Any suggestions on where to get the white plastic Bosch (I'm assuming) connectors for the D-Jet wiring harness? Mine are about broken off and I need to replace them. They must be pretty standard but I can't find any. Either Europe or the U.S. will work.


I -think- this is the 4 wire connector you are seeking
Standard Motor Products hk-9316

DING DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner! Also found the two wire connector

I tried NAPA 'cause they're just up the street and I hate dealing with the nit-wits at Summit but all the old guys have retired at NAPA. It could have taken all afternoon to find it without a part number. 1974 Merc? The clercks weren't even born then :-(

Thanks for the assistance all!
Finnish source for wiring connectors and boots

I came across this post on a Merc site. Poster obtained the connectors by themselves (not prewired) and installed on his d-jet harness. Also replaced rubber boots and cable cover.


The source is I don't have any experience with this supplier as yet, but plan to follow up.
Injector loom repair kits

I received notification only this morning that Wallace and Grommit (Walloth &Nescht) have repair kits on special offer at 140 Euros. Will advise further when it lands but their stuff is usually up to the mark. Best, John
just out of curiosity, how frequent should one be using such kit? is it a good idea to renew all the plugs and boots on a regular base or only if cracks are found?? assuming the engine is running well
For me, I only want to fix what is broken. Most of my plastic is solid. I'm not sure whether clamping a new connector on is an improvement over a solid original. On the other hand if several are breaking, maybe make sense to renew all.
I'll add a question here. What would you tend to do if have a solid connector but torn boot? I'm bit reluctant to cut off connector to allow boot replacement.
Perhaps you could pull the pins from the plastic and get new metal connectors. The little metal tabs are plentiful and cheap. Dunno, still need 3 more Americans as we call them here in Canada. What do you call long espresso in the US of A?