Caddy Coupe deVille


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Delta, British Columbia, Canada
Amazing what can still surface on a local CL. Here are 2 1960 Cadillac Coupe de Ville offered for sale. These, to me, are absolutely outrageous and are so cool, I mean, once restored. Which brings me to the common complaint, I need to be 20 years younger, still drawing a salary and also, it would help, if I had a spare $100K to "move forward" on this restoration. Hmmm... I should add, I would definitely require a much longer garage! ;) Mike
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Would love to see a photo of that property, Dan. Can be a useful "point of reference" . Or, at the very least, can help others realize their neighbours are not that bad.....
Yes, it's always relative. I keep a couple friends that have more cars than I do just so I can remind my wife from time to time. Problem is, I think I'm that friend to others.
Yes, it's always relative. I keep a couple friends that have more cars than I do just so I can remind my wife from time to time. Problem is, I think I'm that friend to others.

Dude you have so many projects I assumed that you were THAT house. At least you are a responsible hoarder and got yourself a barn. :D
I have always liked those outrageous 60 Cadillacs. Other than my Coupe, I consider myself a Ford enthusiast, but that Cadillac and the early Corvettes get my thumbs up.