Carpets for E9 the same as for BMW 2000 CS?

Pretty much the same as the remodelling of the e9 was external at the front

Seems a very reasonable price but unfortunately for me no use as it is for LHD cars

The color in the ebay ad doesn't look right.
I don't read or speak German so I couldn't see if original colors.
There is a company listed in the groups links....Seams perfect .........And AL has several color schemes, and material choices that are very close to original color.
The base cost is very similar.
I bought a set of carpets from SP and fit/craftsmanship was very good.
Not the same, the front floor mat on the driver side has that cutout which is for the foam block BMW put up there in the corner, 2000 does not have that. Also trunk mat has the cutout on the right for a storage bin the 2000 was not equipped with. So, most parts would fit, but not all.