Chasing Classic Cars


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stockton, nj
Caught the episode about the 1964 Griffith that Wayne "found" unused for 20 years in a parking garage. Very cool car, basically an early TVR 2500 with a Detroit engine. Only 261 (?) were made to compete with Cobras at the time. So Wayne takes it to a Katie's Cars and Coffee gathering and parks it next to an immaculate, light-blue, BMW 507...and doesn't even give it a mention! I understand he's focused on his Griffith, but really, a beautiful, rare 507! Maybe it's Wayne, I don't know. Anyway it looked to me like more people were paying attention to the 507 rather than the Griffith...
A bit of a tangent but I get a kick out of (I have no affiliation). I get daily emails of barnfinds, survivors etc :)
I watched part of that episode but not did see the cars and coffee part.

The first time I had my coupe at Legends (2013); I parked, cleaned up the car a little, and my friends and I went to look at all of the beautiful German machinery. I came back to my car before lunch and there was a film crew all around my car filming it. I asked one of them what was going on, they said they were with 'Chasing Classic Cars' and Wayne loved my interior and wanted them to film it. They said it would probably show up on a future episode. I was so excited but it must not have made the cut. :(
Googling says he has had 2 recent knee replacements and it sounds like those have slowed him down a bit. They are hoping he will be back next season.
I agree that he is the cast member I’d most like to get to know. And I’m not dissing Wayne, who I see at various events. Nice guy but ... Roger has old Castrol running in his veins. Wayne has gold.