Check out Oct Classic Cars cover story


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Los Angeles
Opened the mail today for a surprise - E9 Bat on the front cover and a nice 6-pager leading the "21 Classics to Buy Now" story.
I've been working on the courage to try this ("Now is the time to buy!") logic on my wife....

Basically, my idea is that I should sell my my 540 and other vehicles and buy 2 to 4 moderate coupes or a nice CSL example for about the same money. My 540 is only dropping in value each month but a collection of E9s would, at worst, maintain value and likely increase. :roll:

This seems reasonable to me but somehow I don't think she'll subscribe to my logic. :cry: ... she keeps saying something about the cost of ownership or I can't remember ...
tell me about it

I am in the process of restoring (or having it restored) a 1972 csi. I recently sold my 2003 Sport package 540i. My wife wanted something "more comfortable, hence the Lexus GX 470 SUV in the garage. She is also struggling (to put it mildly) with the money I am sending every other week to the restoration shop to have the coupe restored. Will probably be into it close to 30k (including cost of car - paid $6500 for it in April - only minor rust - e.g., none on rockers, did replace both front fenders). Somebody please reassure me re: whether I am sane or not.