Chromed aluminium (I know; aluminum if you wish)


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Islington London England
I sent a load of stuff for plating, and polishing. It included the front kidney section. It was quite rough and dented. I was expecting a polish and then have to keep polishing it, but they chromed it.

They beat out the minor and major blemishes and it looks superb.

It is both heavier and thicker though. I will need to machine it slightly to fit the plastic slatted piece in.

I am tempted to do this for the belt line trim and other alumin(i)um parts. Has anybody on the forum done this? I know that people were having issues with coatings for the polished ally belt line trim.
Sorry - here is the picture
My understanding was that aluminum can't be chromed. They use electroless nickel as the finish applied over heavy copper plating .I have had a fair amount of aluminum done over the years and this is what I was always told. Applying nickel is the last step before applying the chrome finish. There is a reason they do not apply anything beyond this . Research "chrome plating aluminum" on the net and it will show this to be correct.
My understanding was that aluminum can't be chromed. They use electroless nickel as the finish applied over heavy copper plating .I have had a fair amount of aluminum done over the years and this is what I was always told. Applying nickel is the last step before applying the chrome finish. There is a reason they do not apply anything beyond this . Research "chrome plating aluminum" on the net and it will show this to be correct.

You absolutely can chrome plate aluminum and OEMs including BMW have been doing it for decades, particularly with wheels. Think of all of the five and seven series aluminum wheels that were offered in chrome.

See reference in the shop below to applying chrome (after nickel):
My mistake. The aluminum requires heavy copper plating and then electroless nickel and then can be plated. I missed the heavy copper plating part
Daddywad had the belt line trim on his CSL chromed, looks fantastic and I'll be doing the same. Colonnade metals in Wembley is the company to ask.
Thats where I went. When I look at the chromed grill frame, it is very stiff compared to before and the top surface cracks when bent, but the ally is still there. I might not risk my belt trim, unless I have some spares.
I sent a load of stuff for plating, and poli

It is both heavier and thicker though. I will need to machine it slightly to fit the plastic slatted piece in.

I have done exact same thing :
To file it Use a drimel tool with right tips . Chrome will peel off and could ruin the newly chromed piece.
Before installing the 4 spoke plastic peice I painted mine with Sem Vinyle paint . Srub it really clean with scotch bright and dish soap . Then clean with SEM Vinyle paint Prep. Finally a light coat of satin black finish it will look amazing . If you have any scratches or broken or chiped off section I used JB weld as a filler and then sanded it smooth. Use masking tape to protect areas around the repair section so you don’t get JB weld everywhere !!!

Cheers !
I have also chromed my belt line trim.
You have to have in mind the slots the fastener bolts ride in. Too much plating will narrow the grooves and your bolts will not fit anymore. It is best to show the chrome shop how the bolts ride inside the grooves ...
It is very imperative that they do a great job of polishing the trims specially on the top section of the trims . Otherwise any smallest nicks will show like a sore thumb!!!!

I used a straight file on the metal piece to the grills fit well. I used Krylon matt black paint on the plastic grills and the headlight surrounds. I like the effect. I have read good things about the durability of this 'Camo' paint but time will be the test.

My issue with the belt line is that if it is bent during the sanding and polishing process, then when it is re-fitted to the car it will crack the chrome if it needs re-bending.