Clean Car Show San Deigo Photos

Do they judge these shows with originality in mind or just cleanliness or both? I've never entered one. Your ceylon coupe looks stunning and perfect, what did the judges possibly find to knock points off for?
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not sure...

My first event, and I did not do any research on it beforehand- just spent some time cleaning. I did not look at the scoresheets and what I was gigged for; I was talking to one of the judges about some of the things not 100% but were not counted against me- like the edge trim material in the trunk is supposed to be white and mine is grey.

Focus is clearly cleanliness, but not sure how other things are considered.

I am certain someone here can give a whole lot more insight...?


The rules are in PDF at the bottom. There are several classes, years, exterior, engine, undercarriage, clean, super,etc. Yes, there is an original class too. There is also a display class too whereby you are just showing and not being judged.

Some of the rules are clearly to illustrate cleanliness as say glove box open, windows down to X dimension, display material behind the car, etc. etc.

One of the more interesting rules is bonus points. For example mileage gets you extra points. So Murray has an advantage of sorts, but there must be a limit.

Maybe Chris or Murray can chime in and help with some tips.
Concours tips/judges expectations regarding cars of our vintage would be appreciated. For example, would a perfectly restored inside fuel door with no tire pressure decal score more than my dull but original paint and sticker? Both have their merits!
The O'fest rules are for a true concour. The event in San Diego is a "clean" car contest and they are different events. There are no points for originality, only for the specific items listed on the score sheet. If they are clean, you get the points. Modified cars can do quite well in this type of event. Obviously a super original car will cause a positive response from some, so maybe there is an indirect benefit.
Every Chapter does their own thing. Clean is generally exterior only, Super Clean includes engine bay, Concours is the whole enchilada including under carriage. The SD Chapter does not judge on originality, the West Coast Summer Concours in Carmel however will have a Stock class and a Modified class by model to recognize originality. Most use the Dot count, meaning you start with 100 points and you subtract points based on every four dots being a point. Dirt in the door hinge both sides, two dots, dirt in the seat track, one dot, wax residue on paint 4 dots, etc. Each area of the vehicle has a specific number of points, perhaps Exterior 40, Engine 30, Interior/Trunk 30. Some want the items in the trunk including spare removed, some don't. You generally aren't penalized for minor wear and tear like a windshield rock chip, it is all about cleanliness.

Some contests give credit for age and mileage, like at Carmel but there are limits such as one point for every 100K miles up to two points and one point for ten years, two for twenty, up to three points. If not, a showroom new car would win every time. This happened last year at Carmel, guy with brand new 335 was upset he was beat by an 87 635CSi and didn't think it was fair.

Most judges wouldn't recognize there is a tire pressure decal on gas door. Original but clean is good, new but with glue residue would be less. At La Jolla in April the judges weren't BMW experts and originality was one of the criteria so Murray and I didn't know what to expect. Some things they noticed and asked about were the radiator fan, why was mine black and Murray's red? Answer, original clutches not available, must use upgraded part which uses later fan, no deduction. I have a speaker cloth covered rear parcel shelf, Murray's is original, I probably lost a few points but who knows, you don't get to see the scoring sheets although they can share where you could improve generally.

And last September in Palos Verdes in the Vintage BMW class, a `74 2002 Turbo took first with non-original wheels, seats, console mounted stereo and a big decal in the rear window saying Jaegar or something. Car was super clean, judges didn't know BMWs per se but liked the car. It's all good however, it was a fun day, got to hang with the buds and see some great cars.
My car is full of dots - the judges would lose count!

Most use the Dot count, meaning you start with 100 points and you subtract points based on every four dots being a point. Dirt in the door hinge both sides, two dots, dirt in the seat track, one dot, wax residue on paint 4 dots, etc. Each area of the vehicle has a specific number of points, perhaps Exterior 40, Engine 30, Interior/Trunk 30. Some want the items in the trunk including spare removed, some don't. You generally aren't penalized for minor wear and tear like a windshield rock chip, it is all about cleanliness.
All this chat about 'clean' makes me wanna go get all the bugs splats off. (kind of a daily battle in the agricultural areas if your out for a rip on the empty country roads in the afternoons...a worthy trade off in my book) ;-)

I think they lost count of the dots on mine too when I showed in Carmel, but I enjoyed meeting many of the faces from here, good people = good times!

shine 'em up for summer boys and go put some bugs in your teeth, they taste great !!
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It's a tough contest, and even tougher to place. The competition was fierce and from what I saw the judges were very thorough with their inspections. The Coupes looked great, glad to see such great representation. Which I could have brought mine out as well.

The mileage bonus was 1 point for every 50,000 miles on the clock.
in the clean and super clean class, where and to what extent do they probe with the white gloves?
in the clean and super clean class, where and to what extent do they probe with the white gloves?

This was my first time entering a competition like this and I entered clean. I was told it was more challenging to contend in clean since there was more competition. The judges that went over my car were very methodical covering every area that could have dirt or grease. They were very thorough including the interior. I had a deduct on one of my rims and after 45 minutes of looking over the rim I still can't find any dirt that could have been there. There was a .5 point difference between first and second place and i believe a 1.5 difference between 1st and 3rd.
Thanks for sharing the link to the photos. Makes me really miss the car culture in CA. With any luck, the sun will show itself in New England soon and I'll be able to reciprocate with photos from local shows, too.