cleaning gauge glass


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Salt Lake City, Utah
How difficult/dangerous is it to remove the gauge bezel that holds the glass? Mine has some film on the inside that would be nice to clean.

do you just carefully pry it off with pliers? is there a good chance of breaking the bezel?
Gauge bezel

The black gauge surround extends into the wood dash panel, and is glued on. You can't remove that from the front for easy access.

I believe you'd have to access the gauges. I don't remember, but the gauges may have integral bezels you would have to remove as well to get to the glass.

Someone else could add more detail.
Cleaning the bezels is possible but it is a bit of a process. I pulled my entire instrument console out to get to them. There are two small bolts on each side holding it into place that are accessible from the rear; hopefully they are finger tight. Having tiny hands is also helpful. You also need to drop the steering column to get enough room fort the console cluster to clear; it will move down several inches with the bolts removed. I think I also had to take off the front case of the dash first too; you must carefully pry out the aluminum face plates to get to the screws. You also need to remove the speedometer cable from the rear before attempting to pull out the console. Once it is mostly out you can disconnect the cable harness (single connector).

The black shrouds are glued into place but they can be broken away (very old glue) and then re-glued. The bezels on all but the clock can be removed but is it is not a task for the timid - the chrome rings will come off with several minutes of gentle coaxing. You basically need to use something like a jeweler’s screwdriver and slide it around the perimeter numerous times while gently prying the lip of the chrome ring. With some persistence and care the rings and bezels will pop off without breaking. The ring is a pressed fit – this process is slightly damaging but there is no other way I can determine. I was able to get mine all back together satisfactorily.

On the clock it is very difficult. If you don’t have a mini press to remove the tiny pin holding on the hand adjustment knob you can still pop the chrome ring and get just barely enough room to clean the glass. I used a small metal ruler wrapped with paper towel to reach inside.

There are lots of additional small and unpleasant steps but most of them are obvious as you go along.

While I have done this I can’t recommend it to anyone who is not a fellow masochist. Then again, you own a coupe so all bets are off. :twisted:

…if you are going to attempt this surgery go ahead and replace all the bulbs. There was a recent thread on this.
gauge/glass cleaning

It's really nice to have clean, dust/lint and smudge-free instruments. I used to do it on my 2002s and it looked really sparkly. However the coupe is a beast of a different color, and all I can add is that "I read somewhere" that a wipe with anti-static stuff from the clothes washer will help keep 'em clean, then they won't attract/hold dust or lint as much.

Lotsa luck, be patient, und so weiter
tough to do

I finally got the chrome bezel off the temp/fuel level gauge. It took forever and i was nervous the entire time. But now the glass looks awesom.

the speedometer bezel is much more securely fixed in place and i don't see how i could get it off without cracking the bezel.

the clock seems possible so i'll work on that next. the tack looks as tough as the speedo...fortunately these two are the cleanest.