coupe ancestry project - parts cars / gone forever cars


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Atlanta, GA
guys, just as important as locating cars that are still alive ... we also need to document cars that have been severely crashed, rusted out or become parts cars. i am certain that the list is MUCH bigger than what I have ... please let me know.

here are the USA 3.0cs cars that i know of
2240021gone forever
22400722000gone forever (Raleigh, NC)Chamonix
22402232010(Calgary, Canada)Fjord
22402312013parts car (Caledon, Ontario)Polaris
22402472011gone forever (Oakland, CA)
22404992012(Tupelo, MS)Fjord
22405282010parts carVerona
22405842024FS - salvage resellergray
2240629parts car
22406402009(Coupeking parts car <Crushed>Sahara
22406902009(Coupeking - CRUSHED 09)Polaris
22407662010Parts Car (Vista, CA)Malaga
22407862009gone forever (Orlando, FL)Fjord
2240923Parts car
43100032010gone forever - T bonedTaiga
43100882009Parts Car (Vancouver, BC)(09)
43102352009gone forever (Orlando, FL)Fjord
43102702012Parts Car (Los Angeles, CA)Chamonix
43103052013parts car (Vista, CA)Polaris
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here are the USA 3.0 CSA
2250221parts - Robert (Toronto, Canada)Atlantik (11)
2250253Parts Car - Scott AlexanderChamonix
22502572013parts - ebay (Raleigh, NC) - rolling shell
2250281Parts car
22503022013gone forever (La Jolla, CA)Baikal
2250314parts carInka
2250401gone forever (jaysonpwp - Vista, CA)Verona
22505292010gone foreverFjord
43350732011Parts car (Joe Buckley - Gulfport, FL)Fjord
43351382010parts - Leon Walden (N. Augusta, GA)Fjord
43351472013Parts car (Vancouver, BC)Baikal
43352492014gone forever (San Diego, CA)Chamonix
4335444Part Car

here are the 3.0 CSi
22601372017gone forever - fires> USA (CA)<other>
22614142010<Gone Forever> USA (CA)Polaris
22616412011<Gone Forever - crushed 2010> USA (VA)Fjord
2261669<Gone forever> USA (MI)Baikal
22627052013<Parts car > UKFjord
22627272010<Parts car> USA (CA)Inka
2263445<parts car> Markos - USA (Seattle, WA)Polaris
2263693<project car in pieces>
22639542010<parts car> USA (CT)Polaris
22650592012<parts car?> UKPolaris
2285086<Gone Forever> BelgiumPolaris
22656312012<parts car> UK
22660492013<gone forever> Germany
22663752011<Gone Forever - scrapped> USA (CT)
22663792011<Gone forever> USA (OR)Fjord
43404992024<parts car> BinksE9 (NorCal)Taiga
43405062013<gone forever> USA (TN)Polaris

here are the USA 2800 cs
2270097parts car
2270137Copart (Portland) - mostly strippedChamonix
22702802012parts - (Sacramento) damageTurkis
22703262013gone forever (Centerville, VA)Nachtblau
22704052011parts car / gone forever? (Pendleton, SC)Atlantik
2270472parts - seen at copart / rear end damagesalvage
22705202011(El Sobrante, CA) parts - accident 2006Chamonix
22705722009(Corona del Mar, CA)Agave/Malaga
2270573(Scarborough, Ontario)
2270574(Vancouver, BC)Verona
22706032011(Gulfport, FL) used for 2240189Polaris

here are the USA 2800 CSA
22800092011(Milwaukee, WI)
22800722011(Solihull UK) <gone forever>
22801112010(Costa Mesa) parts carAtlantik
22801512010<parts car>Polaris
2280174parts - copart (engine fire)Verona
22802372014gone - car crushed
22804162010(San Diego, CA)Sahara
22804542011(Costa Mesa, CA) - Rusty Parts carTurkis
2280489parts car on C/LBaikal
not going to happen - too difficult and way too much work to merge all of the information between multiple databases. that being said, i'm good with Excel ... but i have no skill at true database work. there are also multiple people collecting data around the world, we are trying to link together some of that work. my work has not started to collect any data on the 220, 221, 222 + 223 euro cars and the 430 + 432 euro cars (about another 14,000 cars) ... i am trying to collect data on 11,516 cars.

what i can tell you is that once i get this to a reasonable point, where i am not collecting more data, i will post the summaries of each model, showing VIN, color, basic location, and possibly the e9coupe alias (the CSL variants will not include as much information for security reasons). my summaries break each model into 5 basic categories
1. recently verified cars
2. cars with some information in the past 15 years or so - but not recently verified
3. cars that have been for sale on various platforms in the last 15 years - in many cases we do not know who bought them
4. cars with no recent information - a lot of the information came from the CS registry
5. cars that are gone forever / parts cars

my goal is to move as many cars as possible to the recently verified category ... but that depends on how much information that i receive from individuals. so send me your information if you haven't done so ... do a search for the coupe ancestry project and find the model that you have ... and if you don't find your VIN ... send me a PM or post it on that thread.