Coupe on

If he gets anywhere near that $$$$ for that car, "the price of poker" just went up for all E9's.
nice car, so....would the buyer pick that coupe up in the very cool period hauler listed below it..... :wink:

Nice car - neat site

Who sponsors this site? The editorial comments on the cars seem pretty honest and on target.

Incidently the seller of this e9 lists the Ceylon e9 listed at $42000 as sold - probably for something less, but not much less.
I bougth the Ceylon back in April and it now lives Switzerland. The extra money that you spend on these few, truly exceptional cars, are well worth the money in my view. They are hopefully not to be changed/improved/upgraded too much. There are lots of other cars where that is fun or appropriate. I did a thorough maintenance job in the doors a few days back, and it is lovely to see everything in place as when it left the factory. I said goodbye to 35 year old grease though! First time I came across the very small spacers for the vent window turning wheel bolt for example. Original carpets with original sound protection underneath, original hood and trunklid emblems with correct, transparent protection pads (against the bodymetal) are in place too.
Anyway, let´s hope that someone takes good care of and more importantly enjoys the Anthracite Metallic, early 1971 CS. The antenna mounting is very 1960s European. Rear swaybar is an easy fix. I don´t understand why that hasn´t been attended to.

I do enjoy the BAT site. Someone has a whole bunch of extra time on their hands and the comments do seem to give the impression that the writer knows what he is talking about. I also like the variety of cars chosen. I now look at the BAT site just after I look at his site. :p

Remember that BAT is interpreting condition based upon pictures only. Cars, Coupes especially, can look just lovely in pictures but be train wrecks underneath.

I now recall seeing this car at Lime Rock this year and, IMO, its not a $40K coupe, although for the benefit for the rest of us, I hope it sells at that price.

Pmansson: I assume you have other cars in your stable? Do tell.
Yeah Tod, the BAT site is fun to look at... And the car was at Lime Rock; the owner is a super-nice guy, and the car is nice also.

You never know on that price-- It depends if it stays in the U.S. and/or how bad someone wants it. Currently, the dollar is at historic lows; thus, that car could go to Europe at half-price.
Pmannson, congrats on purchasing that coupe. It was in my neighborhood and I have to admit I had some serious thoughts about it. I absolutely love that color.
Can't resist but to chime in here . .

I find that many owners on these special interest groups place a high value on their cars, emotionally! but sadly undervalue their cars monetarily.

We just completed a bare metal restoration and complete rebuild of a 3.0 CS down to the last nut and bolt, 2 years and lots of details to build the customer a totally unique CS. These cars are amongst the most difficult and time consuming cars to restore of the modern classics. A restoration done commercially is huge dollars . . it's extremely labor intensive on the E9 because of the coach built construction in this car.

Many of you work on your own cars, hey it's exactly what brings us together :) , that fun and enjoyment does add value ($$) to your car over time.

The Ceylon car was buy, and the asking price of the car on BAT is certainly within the present market range!

In the next few weeks I'll be posting pictures of the CS we completed on my website . . .