coupe on Ebay

Like most coupes it looks good from 20 feet - but strange story - why would one ship from LA, repaint and then unload after only 400 miles - price is reasonable but what is hidden?
ebay Coupe

JC- I assume this one's yours?

Care to comment on what lurks under the black(POR15??) paint job?

How about rockers?

Hi, the coupe is sold, but thought I would respond anyway. I'm selling because I don't have time to finish it. Furthermore as you know these cars are not wel suited to New England. I'm in the middle of a costly and lengthy home renovation, which does not help matters. Nothing lurks beneath, I went to great lengths to accurately describe the car. No idea about the black on the shock towers, I had assumed it was oem, there is no rust there, I know that, the rockers are fine, as are the pans, nose, fenders and wheel wells.

As I mentioned, I'm thinking about picking up a vintage toyota fj40, more suited to winter, kids and dogs......but just as prone to rust
Then someone got a good deal and I retract my previous comments. Good luck on the Toyota - I like them too - and think the new recreation strayed too far.
Coupe sold for bargain price--but what is the black stuff

The question posed and answer given needs clarification regarding the black coating along top of inner femder and upper strut area--this is offered so new owners will know the facts of correct oem appearance in that area rather than fiction or speculation by another newbie!!!

NO E-9 was ever delivered with a crude coating such as applied to that area in this red Coupe. ALL standard CS & CSi's and most city package CSL's were delivered with an original factory installed cladding or overlay material that was bonded by adhesive over the primed metal beneath--it was attached to that area and on the surfaces of the plenum area behind the steel webbing at the firewall beneath the air vents inlets to the blower motor--all of this cladding was painted in the same body color and had a subtle honeycomb or hexagon pattern that showed through the paint. There was also a curved rubber piece that fitted in the curve of that fender area inside this area just beneath the windshield corners.

It was/is VERY common that in the years since delivery--especially in the case of being in wet or hostile climates--large numbers of our E-9's have had corrosion issues in that area that has required repair--in many instances the cladding was not replaced by the body/paint shops--instead thay often chose to use some substitute method or material for covering the area of repair--or leave it bare and simply paint it body color upon finishing it thus matching original underhood treatment of all other metal surfaces in the engine compartment.

This Coupe has likely undergone repair in that area and in my opinion given a really shoddy coating treatment at someones hands--can't judge whether repair was correctly done or not.