This is a first, the fraudulent seller sent me several e-mails today. His address is [email protected], he is not a registered eBay member. I am posting this in case he contacts anyone else. Here it is:
"Hi there!
I apologize for answering so late. I had to leave urgently on a business trip so I didn't get the chance to reply.
I am emailing to let you know that the 1974 BMW CS Euro Other Pickups is still available. I could not get the deal done because the buyer did not get his loan approved. I am still interested to sell and I am willing to let it go for less as long as we get this done faster.
I have also attached a few pictures of the car.
Let me know if you are still interested. Thank you!"
I called him several unmentionable names and let him know I was aware of his scam which he couldn't deny. It is a shame that eBay's Security Center is so automated that you can't report an e-mail address in case he tries to register as a different user.
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