CS Register Badge Update


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Bucks County, PA
A couple of months ago I posted a note about a third run of CS Register badges. Over 200 sold in my two runs and who knows how many in Art Wegweiser's first and only run.

It seems the market is saturated in that I got about 30 firm responses. Eager, willing responses. But I would need a guaranteed 75 orders to make another run. And only if the wonderful woman who runs the 356 Porsche registry would again give so generously of her time to make it happen. Without her it would not.

So I am proposing an alternative, a Window Decal. Years ago Art reached into his private stash and sent me the one that now resides on my rear driver's side window. It is an exact replica of the badge attached to my grill.

I would be more than happy to make on a run of Decals. They would be much less costly, much easier to produce and ship, and I could do it myself since it would not involve dealing with China. And what does not involve dealing with China these days. Well hopefully a Decal.

It would all be done through my email: [email protected] My computer skills are nil, so I would ask Stevehose if I could send him a photo of mine and he could post it on this forum. If anyone has one it is probably Steve, so he could post a photo of his.

You can, of course, respond to this post. But I will only consider a note to my email as a firm commitment.
If enough e9ers step up in the next month or so I will pursue it further.

Steve O'Neill [email protected] 215.620.7687 Evenings please, EST or what ever "Time" we are on.
Hi Steve

What a petty that we can't gather 75 members for that badge.

I'll pass on the decal but you can write my name down for 2 badges so only 44 to go

Come on guy's

I know this was about the decal, but I just sent you an email committing to buy one badge, 43 to go..!
How about one 18" x 24" to be used as garage art?
Good idea Stan. Let's try for enough members to do a third badge run. If that won't fly I'll try the decal and/or the garage art. I like the idea of something that travels with our coupes but the "garage art" works too. I am up for any and all.

Still in for a badge, but will probably also buy a couple of the decals. Pony Express riders still on the trails between Bucks and Chester counties, so shipping would be easy!

The decal in question, I assume.
I am still in for (3) badges. I'd also go in on the decals - I'd take several of those, too. I'll email you the same.
Thank you,
Just for general information, the CS register design is based on obsolete logo standards from BMW. BMW provided a selection of shapes into which you could incorporate your design, as well as the font to use, in order to be allowed to use the BMW roundel. In 2008 BMW produced a new standards manual, with a very restrictive (and boring) set of logo limitations. A glance at any chapter web site will show you the new standard, as all were forced to conform. I'm not sure anyone will care about a few hundred coupinistas with the old design, but if anyone asks, it is a continuation of an existing design, not a new one. Having said all that, I'm up for a badge and a couple stickers...
Just for general information, the CS register design is based on obsolete logo standards from BMW. BMW provided a selection of shapes into which you could incorporate your design, as well as the font to use, in order to be allowed to use the BMW roundel. In 2008 BMW produced a new standards manual, with a very restrictive (and boring) set of logo limitations. A glance at any chapter web site will show you the new standard, as all were forced to conform. I'm not sure anyone will care about a few hundred coupinistas with the old design, but if anyone asks, it is a continuation of an existing design, not a new one. Having said all that, I'm up for a badge and a couple stickers...
We could always say we found an old stash from years ago...
There are custom badge companies where an individual could have a badge of pretty much any design made for themselves. These are not "for sale" or "for profit". While I believe the badges we're discussing are all from that "old box that someone just found in their attic", I am not sure how publication standards need to apply to this item.
Does anyone have somewhat precise measurements of the original badges? In speaking with Steve, I offered to look for alternate sources for quality badges that we might be able to source with a smaller quantity. I think I have found one or two so far. The size of the badge affects the pricing. I am using the attached photo as a reference for the "attic run":

I'm looking for full cloisonne badge construction. If we find a quality option, great. If not, at least we'll know a bit more about options.
Thank you!
Thanks Chris. the size helps in narrowing down the options. If we arrive at a good source, we'll have to discuss specific details including:
- "Register" or "Registry"
- (1) blue + white, or (2) blues + white, or (1) or (2) blues + white and black [that is actually four options]
- U.S.A. or USA [are we nation specific?]

Thanks again!
Thanks Chris. the size helps in narrowing down the options. If we arrive at a good source, we'll have to discuss specific details including:
- "Register" or "Registry"
- (1) blue + white, or (2) blues + white, or (1) or (2) blues + white and black [that is actually four options]
- U.S.A. or USA [are we nation specific?]

Thanks again!
The original name that would have been chosen by Art was Register. U.S.A. as on the original decal was how the original badges read. When I did the second run there was a long debate about "er" or "ry" It was a while ago, and I don't remember how we ended up with one run of each. My vote is for the original "er" and "U.S.A." as you see on the decal above. I am an "originalist" at heart and try to keep my coupe stock/original looking; although, members like Markos would spot the deviations, small as they are. And then there is my brass overflow tank, paintless and naked and beautiful. Thanks Stevehose for the inspiration.
The original name that would have been chosen by Art was Register. U.S.A. as on the original decal was how the original badges read. When I did the second run there was a long debate about "er" or "ry" It was a while ago, and I don't remember how we ended up with one run of each. My vote is for the original "er" and "U.S.A." as you see on the decal above. I am an "originalist" at heart and try to keep my coupe stock/original looking; although, members like Markos would spot the deviations, small as they are. And then there is my brass overflow tank, paintless and naked and beautiful. Thanks Stevehose for the inspiration.
Oooops, I may have this all wrong. We need Art to Chime in. Steve