Dinosaur injection

rare injectors

Suggest you try the aftermarket fueling sources.

and of course CNPR.

Maybe: www.webercarburetors.com, Pierce Manifolds, etc. are what come immediately to mind.

If these guys don't have your item or won't/can't get them for you, always remember to ask them who might be able to.

Or start locally with the import suppliers and parts houses and work up the chain of supply. You may have to get your parts counter guy do this as he's more familiar with the supply and distribution line.
Is that the standard D-Jet injector? I can't remember the number off the top of my head, but that looks familiar. If so, Walloth and Nesch has them new for about 90 EUR, which isn't bad. Have you considered having your originals rebuilt and flow matched? That may be a more cost effective solution.
How exhaustive was your search for these rarities?

If you are still beating the bushes, from memory, D-Jet equipped engines were sold by Mercedes, Citroen and Volvo to name a few companies. Consider looking in that direction including aftermarket suppliers for those and other marques.

Please report back with your findings!

PS I seem to recall a number ending in 003, but perhaps the number you have superseded it.